FBQ1: The term Distance Education is relatively old concept, while Open Learning is an old term. TRUE OR FALSE? ____________ Answer: TRUE FBQ2: Students of National Open University of Nigeria, study under a non-conventional mode. TRUE OR FALSE? _____________ Answer: TRUE FBQ3: In distance learning, the Sandwich programme cannot be referred to as ‘correspondence education’ TRUE OR FALSE? ____________ Answer: TRUE FBQ4: Pitman’s correspondence courses in Shorthand started in_______ Answer: 1840s FBQ5: The institution to first offer degrees through distance education was _______ Answer: University of London FBQ6: Good note-taking requires---------, accuracy and clarity Answer: Speed FBQ7: The productive skill in language use, and interactive activity can be developed through practice ____________ Answer: Writing   FBQ8: Note-taking requires and encourages intensive __________ Answer: listening FBQ9: The graphic image, or object that represents a file, programme, web page or command is called ________  Answer: Icon FBQ10: The pre-marked paper used as a dummy for a publication is called ___  Answer: Layout sheet FBQ11: In Nigeria, Correspondence study started Extra mural studies in ______ Answer: University of Ibadan FBQ12: The inability to select only relevant and important sounds and messages is what makes good listening. True or False? _________ Answer: False FBQ13: Listening is active while hearing is passive. True or False? _______ Answer: True FBQ14: SQ3R is an acronym used in ______ Answer: Reading FBQ15: Listening is a purposeful activity. True or False? ________ Answer: TRUE FBQ16: The first educational instruction was aired in 1816 by ____________ Answer: Radio FBQ17: Listening requires paying conscious attention to a ___________. Answer: spoken discourse FBQ18: The verbal mode of expression and involves the use of the Organs of speech is ___ Answer: Speaking FBQ19: The receptive skills include ______ Answer: Listening and reading FBQ20: Productive skills include ________  Answer: Speaking and writing FBQ21: Use of Clichés in a sentence renders it less effective due to _________  Answer: over-use FBQ22: Sign language can be used to teach a student with _______ Answer: hearing impairment FBQ23: When all the lines of headline text share same midpoint, this is known as____  Answer: Centre Text FBQ24: Linguistic barrier can results in disconnect between the ____ Answer: speaker and the listener FBQ25: Perceptual barriers come to play when the speaker and the listener possibly view the same situation from _____ Answer: varying points FBQ26: In studying, Skimming is the idea of doing ______ Answer: selective reading FBQ27: __________ learners prefer to read notes aloud and discuss it with other people. Answer: Auditory FBQ28: When your answer demands that you compare what different writers said about an issue, you are_______ Answer: Evaluating FBQ29: Kinaesthetic/ Tactile learner prefers to learn by ______ Answer: doing FBQ30: Writing essays is a multi-layered activity. As such, it’s title have _________ Answer: hidden depths FBQ31: The decision to set up an open university in Nigeria was first conceived in Answer: 1976   FBQ32: Programmes, data, protocols are types of a computer’s ____   Answer: Software FBQ33: Critical reading lies at the heart of good _______ Answer: learning FBQ34: Discussion is a command mode of learning which allows you to share the burden of understanding ______  Answer: new idea FBQ35: The Act to back up the establishment of the Open University was passed by the National Assembly in _______ Answer: 1983 MCQ1: National Open University of Nigeria is the only  Answer: Mono-Mode Open And Distance Learning  MCQ2: Open and distance learning is a system of education that demand from students Answer: Self-motivation MCQ3: The natural order of acquisition of language skills is Answer: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing MCQ4: During the earliest appearance of Distance Learning, participant interaction was ensured through distribution of Answer: Printed materials MCQ5: The first University to offer degrees through distance education is  Answer: University of London MCQ6: The foundation of the second stage of distance education was laid during Answer: World War I MCQ7: Which of these is peculiar to students of Distance Education? Answer: Self-discipline MCQ8: Speaking Aids/facilities include all, EXCEPT Answer: Formal- audio MCQ9: Regional Training and Research Institute for Open and Distance Learning (RETRIDAL) is the brain child of who? Answer: Commonwealth of Learning (COL) MCQ10: The experimental radio broadcast with the College of the Air took place in   Answer: 1960s MCQ11: All but one of these characterised open and distance learning  Answer: Non separation of teacher and learner MCQ12: A learner makes his reading real only by this  Answer: Copying what he read in a notebook. MCQ13: Reading is a set of practices which enable you to engage with the following ideas in a text, EXCEPT   Answer: Setting reference.   MCQ14: The SQ3R as an acronym for effective and efficient reading strategy, in its full meaning does not include   Answer: Scan MCQ15: Technology has contributed all but one of these to distance education.  Answer: advancement in student-teacher ratio  MCQ16: Which of these term is not applicable to Fourth generation Distance Education   Answer: f-Learning (flexible learning)  MCQ17: In distance education, 1874 marks the beginning of Answer: television experiment MCQ18: The word that qualifies what reminds a reader at each moment of where he is, in the argument and pointing the way he is heading is called  Answer: Signposting MCQ19: Reading is the greatest stimulator of Answer: critical thinking MCQ20: Which of the phases in distance learning, is referred to as Computer technology? Answer: Third phase MCQ21: Educational delivery is affected by emerging   Answer: technologies MCQ22: Good writing is primarily a factor of quality arguments and Answer: ideas MCQ23: The educational philosophy of open learning emphasizes giving learners choices about these, EXCEPT Answer: Cost of education MCQ24: Quoting is an excellent way of bringing the views of an author into play.  Answer: essay writing MCQ25: The success of this University, led to the establishment of other open universities globally.MCQ26: One of the listed does not belong to the students’ learning classification. Answer: Sensory learners MCQ27: A student get used to the format of the questions through Answer: Practice with old exams MCQ28: Activities carried out by an assessor to ascertain the level of achievement and ability of a learner is called Answer: Play-back MCQ29: All but one of these stand as advantages for learning through reading.  Answer: Exploration of intellectual properties  MCQ30: Among the listed, what increases the level of participation and involvement of the recipient in decoding the message is called Answer: Feedback MCQ31: A good research project must have these number of chapters Answer: Five MCQ32: Chapter one of a research project must have all these among others, EXCEPT Answer: Research Design MCQ33: In a particular research project chapter, which of the following does not belong  Answer: Purpose of the study MCQ34:  The writing that explains how something is done. Answer: Summative MCQ35: A well written paragraph must have Answer: Unity