FBQ1: Historically, the cradle of civilization is traceable to----------- Answer: Egypt FBQ2: Oyo Kingdom has -----------as their descendants Answer: Oyo Mesi FBQ3: The link between the living and the dead people in Africa is the -------- Answer: Ancestors FBQ4: In Pre-colonial African society, the most popular trade was ------- Answer: Trade by barter FBQ5: Exchange of goods for goods is akin to ---------- Answer: Trade by barter FBQ6: In traditional Ibo society the top echelon of leadership is --------- Answer: Council of elders FBQ7: International court of justice is located at ---------in Netherlands Answer: Hague FBQ8: In African mercantilism is akin to African--------- Answer: Traders FBQ9: A Combatant is a specie of --------profession Answer: Military FBQ10: The principle that makes rules to be binding on states in international community is----------- Answer: International law FBQ11: Oath administration is a common feature of ------------society Answer: African FBQ12: Artefacts is bequeathed to human society by-------- Answer: Early man FBQ13: In pre-colonial African society government was largely --------- Answer: Monarchical FBQ14: In the United States of America the policy of ----------was adopted during East-West rivalry Answer: Isolationism FBQ15: During the ideological confrontation between America and Soviet Union, Nigeria adopted the policy of ----------- Answer: Non-alignment FBQ16: In pre-colonial Liberia the governmental structure in charge of rule execution was----- Answer: Nobles FBQ17: The acronym ECOMOG represents------------  Answer: Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group FBQ18: The development of the new world using African is a product of ---------trade Answer: Slave FBQ19: The character that proclaimed Jerusalem as capital of Israel is -------- Answer: Donald Trump FBQ20: The games nations play in international politics is all about-------- Answer: Power FBQ21: The dominant actor in international politics is -------- Answer: States FBQ22: According to Karl Marx, imperialism is the highest stage of -------- Answer: Capitalism FBQ23: International relations experts use past events to predict the -------- Answer: Future FBQ24: Globalisation is akin to --------- Answer: Globalism FBQ25: Possession of heavy and sophisticated war arsenal is one indices of a state’s --------- in international politics Answer: Capability FBQ26: The philosophy of classless society is a product of ------- Answer: Communism FBQ27: The struggle for power within the boundaries of state is-------- Answer: National politics FBQ28: The struggle for power across the boundaries of state is--------- Answer: International politics FBQ29: The foremost imperial master in Nigerian history is the ------- Answer: British FBQ30: The political decay of Soviet Union was facilitated by one of her leaders named------- Answer: Gorbachev FBQ31: The economic doctrine that led to the demise of Soviet Federation is ----------- Answer: Glasnost and Perestroika FBQ32: The current interface between farmers and herdsmen in Nigeria is a battle for acquisition of --------- Answer: Farmlands FBQ33: The most sensitive organ of United Nations is---------- Answer: Security committee FBQ34: The major challenge of Nigerian State today is her ------------ Answer: Internal security FBQ35: Respect for territorial integrity of nation states is the rule from-------treaty Answer: Westaphalia MCQ1: The most recent coup-detat in Africa of 2017 led to the ouster of ----------- Answer: Robert Mugabe MCQ2: Rwanda had a sad history of -----------attack Answer: Genocide MCQ3: Opening up commodity market is an advocacy of ---------- Answer: Liberalism MCQ4: Which of these is a by-product of post westaphalia treaty Answer: Recognition MCQ5: Military intervention in Syria took---------dimension Answer: Airstrike MCQ6: Which of these scholars is among dependency school Answer: Andrew Gunder Frank MCQ7: Global democratic revolution is a product of ---------- Answer: Globalisation MCQ8: The state that is tagged failed in the 20th century is --------- Answer: Syria MCQ9: Globalisation is likened to-------- Answer: Globalism MCQ10: The war of ideology was between USA and ----- Answer: Soviet Union MCQ11: These are signals of African Underdevelopment except-------- Answer: Oil boom MCQ12: Any process of advancement is called-------- Answer: Development MCQ13: One of these determine the power capability of a state Answer: Geography MCQ14: Which of these is not a component of game theory Answer: Maslow’s Needs MCQ15: The concept of exploitation was introduced by-------------- Answer: Marxism MCQ16: I ---------that power is determined only by a state's military arsenals Answer: Strongly disagree MCQ17: The year 1975 is remarkable in the formation of -------------- Answer: OPEC MCQ18: Iran Nuclear program is currently confronted by ------------- Answer: USA MCQ19: Association of South East Asian Nations is a------------organisation Answer: Regional MCQ20: The events of 15th November 2017 is remarkable in the demise of -------leadership Answer: Mugabe MCQ21: The theory that argues that the economic backwardness of Africa accounts for their marginal role in world politics is --------- Answer: Dependency MCQ22: Rights of groups to determine their own destiny is enshrined in ----------law Answer: International MCQ23: The event that made the Jews victims of diaspora is ------------ Answer: Holocaust MCQ24: The Sierra –leone leader who had a case to answer with ICJ is ------- Answer: Hinga Norman MCQ25: The leader who had a case to answer with ICJ is ------- Answer: Kimbanda MCQ26: The Zambian City is the location for -------------- cave Answer: Kalambo MCQ27: Another name for state is-------------- Answer: Persona moralis MCQ28: Stone and bones are ----------that shed lights on human evolution Answer: artifacts MCQ29: In Africa, the ancestors is a representation of --------and ---------according their faith Answer: Living and the dead MCQ30: The traditional Village authority system in today Igbo communities today rest with -----------institutions Answer: Igwes in ouncil MCQ31: In pre-colonial Oyo empire supreme political authority rest with ---------- Answer: Oyo Mesi MCQ32: International law is -------that govern the behaviour of states in world community Answer: rules MCQ33: Pebbles is the simplest and earliest -------used during pre-colonial Africa Answer: tools MCQ34: Loan repayment trust in pre-colonial Africa is done through --------system Answer: Payar ring MCQ35: Pre-colonial African agriculture is dominated by ---------agriculture Answer: Subsistence