CRD208 List of Questions

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Q1 As early as 1847, �?��?��?��?�... irrigation associations were formed in Utah and California.

Q2 The American Agricultural Marketing Association (AAMA) was incorporated in January �?��?��?��?��?�..

Q3 The Marketing Agreements Act of 1937 enabled farmers to vote-in marketing orders aimed at facilitating the �?��?��?�... milk, fruits and vegetables, among other commodities.

Q4 �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�.. marketing cooperatives are organized for the collective marketing of members�?? produce.

Q5 In United State of America marketing cooperatives are becoming more vertically integrated by increasing their ownership and control of facilities beyond the first-�?��?��?�. level.

Q6 In 1871, the Chicago �?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?�. Co-operative Association served some of the economic needs of several small printers.

Q7 Generally speaking, farmer cooperatives are still rather small business undertakings compared with �?��?��?��?��?��?�. they buy from and sell.

Q8 In US, the co-operative idea re-established itself as costs rose faster than prices, �?��?��?��?��?�... programs became disillusioning, and new farmer leadership emerged.

Q9 The values of farmers�?? acquisitions of supplies and equipment through cooperatives have also increased at a faster rate than expenditures for supplies and equipment of all �?��?��?�

Q10 Agricultural credit cooperatives in the United State consist of �?��?�... land bank associations, rural credit unions, production credit association, banks for cooperatives and agricultural credit corporation,

Q11 In �?��?��?��?��?�.. in Ohio, cooperative livestock shipping associations and farmers�?? mutual insurance groups were organized.

Q12 In US, cooperatives agricultural credit corporations are found in cotton, livestock, poultry and fruit and vegetable �?��?��?��?��?�. among others.

Q13 In US, farmer cooperative contribute to the material and �?��?��?��?��?�... prosperity of agriculture as well as to the total national economy.

Q14 In US, as �?��?��?��?��?�.. becomes more specialized and in need of greater services, both for input and output, it appears that cooperatives could help fill some of these needs.

Q15 About 1810, two �?��?��?��?��?��?�. cooperatives were formed which are thought to be the first formal farmers�?? associations organized in the United States.

Q16 One of the cooperatives idea in USA is an essay contests and other �?��?��?��?��?��?�. activities dealing with cooperatives.

Q17 In USA the federal government enabled farmers to procure �?��?�.-term credit cooperatively government themselves were provided a co-operative banking system.

Q18 In US, in the earlier years, farmers were satisfied with organizing local handling, processing and �?��?��?��?�...association.

Q19 In US, the number of agricultural marketing cooperatives has declined as many associations have �?��?��?��?��?��?�.. and smaller ones liquidated.

Q20 The development of credit unions began in �?��?�. in Manchester, New Hampshire, with the organization of a credit union with Roman Catholic parishioners.

Q21 In Sweeden, by the 1930�??s, the combination of the Great Depression and crop �?��?��?��?��?�. resultedin an agricultural crisis as prices hit all time lows.

Q22 British consumer co-operatives were developed within the British Empire, particularly in its colonies and state-sponsored with varying degrees of government involvement.

Q23 The cooperative movement also resulted in a series of co-op stores known as Brugsen, which were under the administration of the The �?��?�.. Consumers Co-operative Society.

Q24 The colonists, upon arriving in America, attempted some forms of communal or collective�?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?�.

Q25 In order to get egg-producers interested in the egg trade, it was not enough to ask them to improve the quality of eggs sold to �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�.

Q26 In essence, cooperatives provided market access to a small farmer, who on his own had a negligible bargaining position and who otherwise, would not be able to market his produce.

Q27 The �?��?��?��?��?�... on market competition in Sweden are laid out in the Swedish Competition Act (SCA).

Q28 The constitution of the �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�. cooperative stipulates that members must for a fixed period, originally up to ten years.

Q29 In United State member capital contributions are linked to product delivery �?��?��?��?��?�.which attain value and can be transferred, and membership is closed or restricted.

Q30 The cooperatives gained strength under Sweden�??s protective agricultural �?��?��?��?��?�.. that stimulated both agriculture and cooperation.

Q31 In Denmark, the common house is used for common �?��?��?��?��?�., common washing machines, meetings and fests.

Q32 In 1794, cordwainers in Baltimore, Maryland, organized a co-op boot and shoe factory which was the forerunner of what are now called �?��?��?��?�.. productive cooperative.

Q33 In Denark, the first cooperative abattoir was formed in �?��?��?��?��?��?�.

Q34 The Swedish Competition Act provides exemption for cooperative associations as long as they abide by the following rules and the cooperative has the �?��?�. form of an association.

Q35 In 1752, Benjamin Franklin became perhaps the first American cooperator with the organization of a mutual �?��?��?��?��?��?�. cooperative etc.

Q36 Living in �?��?��?��?��?��?�... groups with a common ground and common house is relatively common in Denmark.

Q37 British consumer co-operatives benefited from imperial patterns of �?��?��?��?��?��?�

Q38 As Denmark exported a significant portion of eggs to Great Britain, there were many middlemen between the hen and the English �?��?��?��?��?�...

Q39 In Britain the ideas of co-operatives assist imperial development agency functions came from influential figures rather than from the �?��?��?��?��?�. Co-operative Movement.

Q40 The cooperative ownership model for wind mills was developed in�?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?�

Q41 Co-operation started in India as a result of untold suffering which the money-lenders inflicted upon the general populace between 1860 and �?��?�.

Q42 Agricultural cooperatives are considered to be important social and economic units aimed at developing �?��?��?��?��?�.

Q43 Another reason for joining a cooperatives is to exchange �?��?��?�. by sharing experience on how they could produce the best quality cocoa.

Q44 In 1919 Plunkett created the �?��?��?��?�... Foundation which became an international organisation for the promotion of agricultural co-operatives.

Q45 In 1937, �?��?��?�. Co-operative Produce Marketing Society became the first Co-operative Society to be the first Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Nigeria.

Q46 The Office of Indian Affairs in the U.S. Department of the �?��?��?��?��?� responsible for a creditprogram for Indian cooperatives.

Q47 In Denmark, farmers, members of the cooperative, elected the board of directors who appointed the �?��?�... manager, usually a specialist in the field.

Q48 The �?��?�... with the formulation and enactment of cooperative legislation in 1935 based on the report of Mr. F.F. Strickland�??s stated that cooperative will thrive in Nigeria.

Q49 In Denmark, cooperatives were governed in a democratic way, usually each member had one vote, irrespective of the number of �?��?�.. he possessed.

Q50 One of the reason for joining cooperatives was to pool resources together so that they could purchase �?��?��?�...of production at reduced prices etc.

Q51 In Denmark, the changed in the enclosure movement which aimed to reunite fields and award them to one �?��?��?�... only.

Q52 In the United States, there are approximately 800,000 Indians, and they own more than�?��?� million acres of land, although a substantial part is not fertile land.

Q53 About 90% of all farming soil in �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�. was cooperative from 1300, as the Black Death depopulated the rural parts of the country.

Q54 The initial achievement of the government on Co-operatives was the promulgation Co-operative Laws and the Co-operative �?��?��?��?��?�..

Q55 The few agricultural co-operatives that formed in the late 19th century suffered unfavourable patterns of �?��?��?��?�..

Q56 The Co-operative Movement of Sweden is so organized today that manufacturing, and �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�... of essential goods are under its control.

Q57 British agriculture comprised comparatively �?��?��?��?�..-scale farmers who formed �??a fairly efficient economic unit.�?�

Q58 Since the inception of Co-operatives in Nigeria, �?��?��?��?��?�. had been playing prominent and laudable roles in its development and spread.

Q59 Co-operative has spread all over Nigeria but they are more prominent in the �?��?��?��?��?�.parts of the country with various types.

Q60 The African Confederation of Co-operative Savings and Credit Association was founded on 12th September, �?��?��?�..

Q61 Cooperative has evolved from a �?��?�..-oriented institution to a more formalized business-oriented organization serving economic rather than spiritual needs.

Q62 In 1839 there was a serious slump in trade, leading to a steep �?��?��?��?��?��?�... in unemployment, accompanied by a bad harvest.

Q63 �?��?��?��?�... Is an instrumental lawyer in organizing credit cooperative for small businessmen and craftsmen.

Q64 The Gilds developed and originated from Roman industrial colleges when Swiss dairymen were reported to have made cheese cooperative and anticipated the modern �?��?��?��?�. Cooperatives.

Q65 Unlike in the �?��?��?��?�.., a Danish farmer was the owner of his land, and no assistance was given to him to cover for the losses, he was left to his own mercy.

Q66 The cooperative craftsmen organization called �?��?��?��?��?�... which appeared as early as the beginning of old Roman history.

Q67 Cooperative Forbundet conducts study groups by correspondence whereby people learn without a/an �?��?��?��?��?��?�. teacher.

Q68 Degler (1970) and Roy (1981) were of the same opinion that the �?��?��?��?��?��?�. of Jesus Christ constituted significant event in the world history.

Q69 In �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�. the government adopted legislation concerning cooperatives in 1895.

Q70 �?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?�... appealed to the well �??to-do of the community for financial assistance but charity was merely a stop-gap.

Q71 Roy (1981) noted that between 3000 to �?�... BC, some agricultural lease had cooperative features history and documents indicating that the tenants famers in cooperatives, etc.

Q72 The origin of Rochadale Society began operating in 1844, it was not until �?��?�... that the British Parliament passed the industrial and provisdent Societies Act.

Q73 The first Swedish farm cooperative was formed in �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�....

Q74 The Roman �?��?��?��?��?�... consisted of craftsmen and plantation agriculture known as latifindal were dominant.

Q75 The �?��?��?��?�..agricultural societies and grange associations spawned local farmers�?? cooperatives which purchased farm inputs and marketed members�?? crops.

Q76 In the early christian era the nature of development was Artisan societies with �?��?��?��?��?�.. benefits.

Q77 The origins of the �?��?��?��?�. cooperative movement are linked to rural population that had learned about democracy and democratic responsibility at the folk high schools.

Q78 William King was a student of history and economics in his college days and at the same time a �?��?��?��?��?��?�.

Q79 Hungry Forties is a period in the early �?��?��?��?�... when Britain experienced an economic depression, causing much misery among the poor.

Q80 The evolution and growth of cooperation can be traced down to Ancient Egyptian Era between 3100 to �?��?��?��?�... as the main period of development.