MPA810 List of Questions

MPA810 List of Questions

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Q1 One leader may succeed in a situation where another leader__________

Q2 The success or failure of a leader is sometimes dependent on the___________

Q3 The right people must be placed in leadership positions to enable the organization to achieve the___

Q4 Some people are born with leadership qualities, others have to acquire leadership qualities from___

Q5 An interesting extension of trait theory holds that certain traits are necessary for______

Q6 An interesting element of leadership excellence concerns the right person being in the right place___

Q7 There has been series of research trying to establish the relationship between personal traits and___

Q8 Leader emergence is concerned with the likelihood that a person might become a_________

Q9 Risk taking, vision and innovation are some of the positive___________

Q10 The best way to select a Chief Executive Officer is to look for_______

Q11 High self-monitors emerge as leaders more often than________

Q12 Preponderance of research suggests that trait theories are not good predictors of_______

Q13 The three leadership traits that relate to leader emergency are; intelligence, dominance and_____

Q14 Traits and characteristics differentiating leaders from non-leaders are about________

Q15 Sometimes leaders posses traits and characteristics different from________

Q16 Qualifed and experienced leaders of organizations most of the time make________

Q17 One leadership theory holds that leaders are born to lead while the other says that leaders are_____

Q18 The strategic value of human resources management lies in its discretionary

Q19 Understanding leadership theories helps an organization to know how to select their_______

Q20 There are many theories of Leadership but no single theory has told us the__________

Q21 A leader with adequate knowledge and experience may fail where a less qualified leader had_____

Q22 Job choice method involves reading descriptions of jobs that involve degrees of___________

Q23 Another commonly used leadership testing method is the _______

Q24 Thematic test method is time consumming and requires a great deal of_________

Q25 Thematic test is a projective test in which a person is shown a series of pictures and asked to____

Q26 The most commonly used psychological test for leaders is called______

Q27 Need for power, achievement and affiliation cab be measured through various _________

Q28 Leader emergence is concerned with the likelihood that a person might become a_________

Q29 A leader who wants to be liked by his subordinates will often make tough decisions but later_____

Q30 A leader should be friendly and care about his subordinates but not at the expense of_________

Q31 Modern leaders are encouraged to form the habit of leading by___________

Q32 If a leader is too intimate and playful with his subordinates, he may not be able to give_______

Q33 Aggressive leaders are more successful in leading junior workers doing__________

Q34 Internal promotion to occupy a post is less expensive compared to employing a_______

Q35 Leaders with high affiliation needs may decide that being liked is more important than ________

Q36 Overtime work may likely increase profitability in a firm but overtime is generally detested by_____

Q37 A leader who is fond of making the workforce regularly work overtime is not likely to be _________

Q38 Leaders who desire to be liked by their subordinates will have a tough time_______

Q39 An effective leader should be concerned more with results rather than being liked by the_______

Q40 Some personal characteristics of a leader include; need for power, achievement and need for_____

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