

The most widely accepted approach to classifying consumer products is based on characteristics of consumer buying behaviour. It divides products into _____ categories.
For _______  products, even a buyer who prefers a specific brand will readily choose a substitute if the preferred brand is not conveniently available.
_______  products are items for which buyers are willing to spend considerable effort in planning and making the purchase.
For __________ products, buyers spend much time comparing stores and brands with respect to prices, product features, qualities, services, and perhaps warranties.
bicycles, furniture, stereos, cameras, and shoes exemplify ________  products.
When searching for __________ products, buyers do not compare alternatives
_________  products are often distributed through a limited number of retail outlets.
____________  products are products purchased to solve a sudden problem.
A major shortening of dependent variable approach to policy Analysis is _______
The management by objectiven is a management techniques that involves____
Game theory provides______
One of these is not objective of government industrial policy
The major policy tool through which government plans to enhance employment generation is through ______
The function of the policy Analysis Department (PAD) is _________
Elite theory simply means ___
Export licence waiver means ______
Which of these models is a reaction of both rational and incremental models
Tax consession are available to industries who take initiative in the following areas
__________________  can be accomplished by physically changing the product, its price, or its distribution.
A __________  is the physical container or wrapping for a product.
Packaging occurred in part because of the growing __________  in many markets.
Better ____________  packaging is especially important to manufacturers and wholesalers, who may have to absorb the cost of goods damaged in transit.
Promotionally-oriented packaging also may reduce total ___________ costs.
An __________  package may speed turnover so that total costs will decline as a percentage of sales
Without packages that sell themselves,self-service_________  would not be possible.
Packaging expenses as a percentage of the manufacturer’s selling price vary widely, ranging from 1 to ______  percent.
A package does much more than ____________  a product; it is also a selling tool.
The practice of packaging different products and services together is known as mixed______ .
Projects are located according to ________ guidelines.
Factor affecting the _______ of projects is their nearness to markets.
A business organisation will make profit if the goods or produced are purchased by _______parties.
Businesses are established primarily for _______.
Nearness to sources of raw materials is one of the factor affecting location of projects especially ______ concerns.
Frequent failures to deliver goods on schedule may lead to _________ of customers.
Good road networks is another major factor influencing the location of projects in the economic _________
Most _______ in the economy are usually attracted to areas with good road networks.
In economic theory there are ______factors of production.
The location of most business projects is driven mainly by _______ motives.
Marketing exists only when _____
Customer satisfaction is the extent to which a product’s perceived performance matches a ______
_____ are wants for specific products that are backed up by purchasing power
A ________ is a state of felt derivation of some basic satisfaction
It has been reported that ______ “get people to buy things don’t want’
______ is the business process by which products are matched with markets and through which tansfer of ownership are effectred
In an economy of plenty, most people have to satisfy their material wants through _______
In the early stage of the society’s economic development, marketing problem focuses on ____-
Which of these is a component of any economic systems?
The study of marketing deals with identification and meeting human and ______ needs
Marketing evolves from this last approach to acquiring products i.e. _____.
For exchange to take place, Kotler (1984), lists conditions that must be satisfied
Channel of distribution can be grouped into ___ categories.
A product provides a bundle of satisfaction that the consumer derives from the product itself, along with its promotion, distribution, and price.
Marketing research is the first step taken by any ……………………… before investing his money in business
__________ decisions are strongly affected by developments in the political and legal environment.
One of the most dramatic forces shaping people’s lives is ___________
Research is necessary but a lot of……………………. are reluctant to engage in international research
One major objective of international research is to discover new ………………………….opportunities.
________ can be described as the route through which goods and services pass through tp the final consumers.
…………promotes a customer’s information in political, social and economics affairs internationally
_________ of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations
______ marketing planning in an organization leads to the preparation of an annual marketing plan
Monitoring environmental changes helps discover emerging opportunities such as growth ______ and unfilled market needs.
Kotler (1984) states that for exchange to take place, it must satisfy conditions
The __________ concept rests on four main pillars
________ marketing plan is the master blueprint for a year’s marketing activity for a specified organizational division or major product.
The benefit of marketing segmentation is that it leads to more satisfying marketing_____
Product _________is also part of product development which focuses on the functional aspects of the product and on consumer acceptance.
_____ is concerned with setting certain standards / levels to accomplish the produced goods.
The movement of people out of a place is _______
One of these factors does not influence Rural-Urban migration
The rapid increase in the population of an urban centre as a result of rural-urban migration is _______-
Winston Churchill, George Washington, Kwame Nkrumah, Alhaji Sir Ahmadu Bello, Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe and Chief Obafemi Awolowo are examples of the ______theory of leadership.
________was adopted in June 1996 in Istanbal, turkey by the United Nations as a global policy which affirms that adequate shelter is a human right.
The state of Nigeria was born following the amalgamation of _______ protectorate and the colony and protectorate of Southern Nigeria.
The system of administration adopted by the British in ruling Nigeria is known as the _______ system.
The name Nigeria was coined by the wife of Lord Fredrick Lugard; she was formerly known as __________
The name Nigeria was coined from ____________
What is the capital of Akwa-Ibom state?
Which of these sugars is an aldose?
When the aldehyde function of an aldose is oxidized to a carboxylic acid the product is called an _____
Which of these is a C-2 epimer of glucose?
All these are derivatives of monosaccharides except
Which of these can also serve as lubricant due to their viscosity in joint.
Glucose has ______ chiral centres
Glucose has  ______ stereoisomers
Which of these carbohydrates  function as antigen determinant of blood group (ABO) system.
Which of these disaccharides contains identical monosaccharide units
 A phenomenon where a and b anomers of D-glucose interconvert in aqueous solution is known as ______
Early childhood education includes the crèche, the nursery and the __________
The first formal education given to the children in an educational institution is known as________
Child – Centered method is a method of teaching where the children are more active than the_______
One of the main characteristics of a good teacher is the successful use of the techniques of_______
Questions can be categorized into how many ways___________
______is a flexible kind of classroom arrangement, for adjusting the curriculum to the needs and abilities of class members.
A pre-school teacher should ask questions that encourages_____ and_________
Good teachers group pupils in different ways for different activities in pre-primary classes______
_________ is the main characteristics of a good teacher
_______ is the method of teaching where the children are more active than the teacher
In disaster management, the existence of conditions of defenselessness and factors of insecurity constitute _________
A purposive course of action for dealing with a problem or matter of concern is _______
Agenda building, formulation, adoption and implementation are all stages of ________
The estimation, assessment, appraisal of policy content, implementation and impact refer to __________
The three methods that an be adopted in fire fighting are starvation, cooling and __________
Nigeria is bordered in the East by the Republic of Cameroun, in the West by the Republic of Benin, and in the South by the _________
How many Geo-political zones does Nigeria have?
The Southern part of Nigeria is divided into ________ zones.
The three dominant tribes in Nigeria are Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba and Ibo. The Ibo tribe is located in the __________ of Nigeria.
In the structure or organogram of Local Government, the Chairman is in the __________ arm.
As a concept, _______refers to the population of a state.
How many states does Nigeria have, excluding the Federal Capital Territory?
Which political head was usually chosen by by Oyo Mesi?
The “Bashorun” in Yorubaland is equivalent to the _______
The Nigerian state of today is a creation of  ____imperialism.
“Legitimate commerce” was put in place by the British Colonialist to replace _______
The rapid chemical combination of two or more combustible subtances resulting in the production of heat and light is ________
The three development stages prior to an emergency are: _____ phase, impact phase and evaluation.
What is the full meaning of NEMA in relation to disasters in Nigeria?
The needs, aspirations, intentions of people represent their policy _________
Any activity that can help the pupils to acquire skills in counting thinking and interpersonal can be converted to______
A group problem solving approached that assists pupils to investigate real life situations is known as ______
Method of teaching people to read based on the sounds that letters represent is known as _____
Project includes the following except______
 The essential parts of any learning method on the part of the learner are_______
The father of kindergarten is ________
The methods that lead to positive attitudinal change in children is called_______
Pre-science activities involved rudimentary concepts of phenomena of the following except______
The name of picture suitable for teaching birth of Christ under moral instruction is______
Discussion exclude one of the following________
Which of these lipids does not undergo hydrolysis?
________ are the most abundant of all lipids
Which of these contains steroid nucleus?
The number of milligram of KOH required to neutralize the free fatty acids present in 1 gram of fat is called
________ is the number of grams of iodine absorbed by 100g of lipid.
Lipids act as good sources of all but one of these vitamins
Which of these is not  a physical property of lipids
Neural lipids can be extracted from tissues using all but one of the following
Which of these is a not a property of monosaccharides?
Which of these statements is not waxes?
______is a description or account of things that have happened
_______is the co-operative study of a real life situation by a class under the guidance of a teacher
_________is a learning process which requires team work among learners.
.The Montessori method is best used with one of these__________
Another name for the Montessori teaching aids is __________
In project method, the pupils are not responsible for_______
The characteristics of a good story telling are _________
Children can be grouped into ________ intellectual ability
Maria Montessori school was established in_________
One of these is not a criteria for grouping________
The  specific concentration of lipid required for micelle formation is called ________
A lipid bilayer can close in on itself to form a________
Which of these Scientist proposed the Mosaic model of membranes
The latest Membrane Model is referred to as the
One of these is not a property of biological membranes
Membranes have all but one of these function
Which of these is a sugar found in nucleosides?
One of these is a purine base
Which of these has a double ring?
All but one of these is a major lipid of the membrane
The following are selection criteria for plant breeding except
What is the best method for the control of plant diseases?
Which of these is not a social condition that heightens the health risk of populations?
Which of these  involves the production of hybrid by the tissue culture especially callus
The tendency of the progeny of a cross to outperform both parents is referred to as
The breeding technique, cytoplasmic male sterility, was developed by
In what year was the term heterosis described?
The maternally inherited trait that makes plants produce sterile pollen is referred to as
The term ‘heterosis’ was described by ______
Which of these is not a plant breeding method?
Plants resulting from addition of a gene are referred to as ______
A crossable plant species whose genes are used under control of its native promoter for genetic modification is called ______
Which of these is an advantage of genetic modification over classical breeding?
Which of these is not needed to genetically modify a plant?
Which of these is a commonly used marker for the selection of transformed plants?
In genetic modification, the genetic construct can be inserted in the plant genome by the following methods, except
An artificial anthropogenic selection process to produce plants with more desirable traits than wild plants, which renders them dependent on artificial environments for their continued existence is known as
The following are major activities of plant breeding except
Who first discovered chromosomes, and in what year?
The two copies of each chromosome found in somatic cells are referred to as
 An attitud is a ___________ predisposition to behave in a consistently favourable or unfavourable way with respect to a given object.
It is important to note that attitudes result from ___________ and reflect either a favourable or an unfavourable evaluation of the attitude object.
According to Tricomponent Attitude Model, attitudes consist of _________ major components.
 Like the basic tricomponent attitude model, the theory –of –reasoned- action model incorporates a cognitive component, an affective component, and a _______ component.
Anything that we have an attitude toward is referred to as an Attitude _________.
The first step in designing a persuasive communication is to establish the ______ of the communication.
Media organizations regularly research their own _____________ in order to develop descriptive audience profiles.
By using ________ in advertisements, marketers can improve the chances that their adverts will be noticed by consumers and create favourable and lasting impressions.
 __________ framing stresses the benefits to be lost by not using the product.
Problem Recognition is the __________ step in the consumer decision- making process.
___________ Search is the process by which we survey the environment for appropriate data to make a reasonable decision.
Problem recognition is when we experience a significant difference between our current state (actual state) of affairs and some state we desire (_______ state).
It is worthy to note that the consumer’s _________plays a key role in problem recognition.
 Companies and marketers have easy access to provide consumers with information they might be interested in, through their ___________.
The __________ theory assumes that the consumer possesses enough expertise to determine which option maximizes their value, and therefore make their choices based on this.
There are __________ main scenarios in making an outlet or product selection decision.
_____________ Dissonance involves the doubt or anxiety a consumer has after making a difficult or major purchase decision.
 _____________ enables marketers to study and understand consumers’ needs and wants and how they make consumption decisions.
 A________ data is any information originally generated for some purpose other than the present research objectives.
In both qualitative and quantitative research, the research report includes a brief _________ summary of the findings.
Consumers’ satisfaction judgments focus on purchase ____________ .
In response to satisfying or dissatisfying purchase and consumption experiences consumers may opt to exercise one or more of ________ behavioural responses
 A consumer will _______ when there is a dissatisfying purchase and consumption experience.
Continued patronage includes both readiness to act (repeat purchase) and _________ to alternatives.
 Like the basic tricomponent attitude model, the theory –of –reasoned- action model incorporates a cognitive component, an affective component, and a _______ component.
There are ________major applications of Consumer Behaviour.
People often buy products not for what they do but for what they ________.
The study of consumer behaviour enables marketers to understand and _________ consumer behaviour in the market place.
Consumers often rely on informal communication sources in making purchase decisions because unlike formal sources, the _______ is perceived as having nothing to gain from the receiver’s subsequent actions.
Intermediary and ___________ audiences are also likely to receive marketers’ communications.
The constricted region other than that of centromere is known as
Chromosomes having secondary constriction are known as
The chromosomal end distal to the secondary constriction is known as
Secondary constriction is also called
Chromomeres are visible during what stage of meiosis?
Chromomeres are invisible in what stage of mitotic chromosomes?
The pattern of distribution of _________ is different for different chromosomes.
Which of the followings are clearly visible as dark staining bands in the giant salivary gland chromosomes?
Which of the followings are regions of tightly folded DNA?
Which of these form the gene bearing portion of chromosomes?
…………promotes a customer’s information in political, social and economics affairs internationally
People have almost unlimited ______ but limited resources
a product can be defined as anything that can be offered to someone to _________ a need or want.
Marketing takes place when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through _________.
Kotler (1984) states that for exchange to take place, it must satisfy conditions
The __________ concept rests on four main pillars
in ________, planning is long-run oriented in terms of new products, tomorrow’s markets and future growth.
A _________ can define its market carefully and still fail at customer-oriented thinking.
Product _________is also part of product development which focuses on the functional aspects of the product and on consumer acceptance.
________marketing involves the launch of the new product in one or a few geographical areas chosen to representative of its intended market.
Marketing evolves from this last approach to acquiring products i.e. _____.
For exchange to take place, Kotler (1984), lists conditions that must be satisfied
Product adaptation is necessary under several conditions
A product provides a bundle of satisfaction that the consumer derives from the product itself, along with its promotion, distribution, and price.
Marketing research is the first step taken by any ……………………… before investing his money in business
__________ decisions are strongly affected by developments in the political and legal environment.
One of the most dramatic forces shaping people’s lives is ___________
Research is necessary but a lot of……………………. are reluctant to engage in international research
One major objective of international research is to discover new ………………………….opportunities.
Determining Research Objectives are all ,except
To deal with the marketing environment and make purchases, _________ engage in a decision process.
Motives can be grouped into________broad categories
________ factors are fundamental to learning
An attitude is a learned _____________ to respond to an object or class of objects in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way
According to Berry and Parasuraman as reported by _________and Kotler (2006) three retention building approaches have been identified
The ___________ phones the customer to check whether the product is meeting expectation.
_______ is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue.
_______ have a number of distinctive characteristics, which create special marketing challenges and opportunities
______ marketing is the use of marketing principles for or within sports related environments.
____________marketing, also known as internet marketing, web marketing or e-marketing is the marketing or promotion of products or services using the internet as a medium.
Which of these is NOT of cartilagous fish?

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