BUS322 Past Questions


is the unit that contains an individuals basic desires
Answer: id

One of the following is not a power bloc:
Answer: none of the listed

Which behaviour for handling conflict involves high cooperation and low assertion?
Answer: accomodation

An approach to change that is characterized by one way commuication is called:
Answer: unilateral action

What always leads to using aggression as a defence mechanism?
Answer: frustration

What is the perception that a personVs outcome is directly proportional to the effort and costs invested in an action
Answer: distributive justice

Which of the following statements is true about leadership?
Answer: a, b and c

Of all the following approaches to management, the most challenging one is:
Answer: organizational behaviour

A pattem of conflict handling behaviour that involves the use of argument and threats to achieve the set goal is
Answer: competition

Which of the following is not a feature of a formal organization?
Answer: spontaneousness

The most important aspect of peception that contributes to orderliness of things people observes is reffered to as:
Answer: selective perception

A function of management that deals with arranging and allocating work, authority and organizational resources is known as:
Answer: organizing

Eco behaviour means:
Answer: the input of enviromental situation in a personVs personality

When is the capitulation strategy necessary in an organization as a response to external challenge to change?
Answer: when employees have to back down on the proposed change

Which source of power comes from the cultural values of a society, organization or group?
Answer: legitimate power

When a group member is unsure of his/her status, or his supervisor’s assessment, it is called:
Answer: emotional ambiguity

Resistance to change should be viewed as all but one of the following:
Answer: as being bad for the organization

Which of the following is an incompatibility between job tasks, resources, rules and other people?
Answer: role conflict

Management is referred to as when is deals with practical application of knowledge and skill to achieve an objective
Answer: an art

The confussion over the different interpretations of Ymanagement and administtrationY is largely due to:
Answer: error in the translation of henri fayolYs book on administration from french into englich

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