Q1 Ascertaining users’ information requirement is the first stage of the system development lifecycle…
Q2 Feasibility study of candidate new systems is not a stage of system development cycle
Q3 Which of the following refers to the process of transporting data across space and time through different media such as documents and telephone networks?
Q4 Information systems are best designed and developed through a ____________
Q5 The process of verifying and certifying that the data that has been created or collected from other sources meet minimum standards of consistency and accuracy is called which of the following?
Q6 One of these is a disadvantage of manual methods in data analysis.
Q7 Which of the following refers to the process of determining the formats in which data will be created, acquired, stored and transferred?
Q8 Data analysis is the process of ________ and identifying the attributes or characteristics of a particular set of data.
Q9 Data analysis usually entails one of the following
Q10 Which of the following is the equivalent of -4.563E+02?
Q11 Data can be lost when an organization or information system makes the mistake of using non-standard computer hardware
Q12 One of these is a harzard that can affect paper madia
Q13 The process of making decisions about what data should be created and for what purpose is referred to as which of the following?
Q14 _________ is one of the ways in which a stored data can be lost
Q15 One of these is a type of information retrieval method from a data store
Q16 Which of the following refers to activities that must be performed by individuals and organizations to ensure that only useful data is created for conveying information?
Q17 ______ is used to describe the data that one uses to describe the information one is looking for in a data store
Q18 A medium that has been used to convey data symbols is called which of the following?
Q19 A datasheet view enables one to update data in a table. _
Q20 Another name for a primary key is ___________
Q21 The octal system has _________ symbols or digits
Q22 The computer system uses the ________ number system for creating, processing, storing and interpreting data
Q23 ________ is created when we process data with a Machine or Computer
Q24 Convert 1111 binary number to decimal number
Q25 Convert 1101 to Decimal _________
Q26 ___________ is an example of a system
Q27 Data definition and structure refers to the process of determining _______ in which data will be created, acquired, stored and transferred.
Q28 Logically structured data are likely to convey better information
Q29 A data model whereby data records are grouped in terms of being super-ordinate to one another is reffered to as ___________
Q30 Convert 64 to binary number
Q31 The scanner can be used to input ________ into the computer
Q32 Example of information searchers includes the following except
Q33 The binary number for 7 is _______
Q34 The effectiveness of data organization and storage cant be assessed in terms of volume of data processed, __
Q35 Data and information retrieval enable information _________ to find, evaluate and use the data or information
Q36 Database, tables, forms, queries report etc. are known as ___________
Q37 The following are features of a system except
Q38 The binary number for 8 is ____________
Q39 Data and information, retrieval is the________ of data and information __________
Q40 Numeric data comprise mostly of _________
Q41 A byte consists of how many bits?
Q42 Which of the following defines a set of activities that begin at a specific date and end at another specific date in a software development lifecycle?
Q43 In a DBMS, predefined formats for entering data into one or more tables in a database is called which of the following?
Q44 If 1000 bytes make 1KB, How many bytes are in 1 GB?
Q45 Which of the following is a major data collection method used in organizations?
Q46 A comprehensive list of the data in the records of one or more data tables in a database is referred to as_________________
Q47 Which of the following is used to describe the information one is looking for in a data store?
Q48 When someone is looking for the name of a particular person, “Madu Okey”, in a telephone directory, which data retrieval type will be used?
Q49 Which of the following refers to the process of decomposing data into separate data sets?
Q50 The process of reducing voluminous data into less voluminous data is called_____________
Q51 The process of investigating and identifying important attributes of a particular data set is called __________________
Q52 The process of planning or designing an information system is often referred to as _______________
Q53 The binary 101101 is equivalent to which of the following base 10 numbers?
Q54 77.44E04 is equivalent to which of the following?
Q55 Which of the following is a pre-defined way of displaying some or all the records and fields in a data table?
Q56 Which of the following is a statement that instructs a DBMS to find and display data from a database all data that meet some criteria?
Q57 The final stage of the software development lifecycle is called __________________
Q58 When someone is searching for all economics books in the library catalogue but without having any specific book in mind, which data retrieval type will be used?
Q59 Which stage of the software development lifecycle is aimed at determining the kind of information that will be required by system users?
Q60 The first stage of the software development lifecycle is_______________________________
Q61 The transformation of data into more informative data, by aggregating, desegregating, summarizing and computing the data is decribed as __
Q62 All the following are classified as data except __
Q63 A set of __ activities designed to provide data and information to people is referred to as an information system.
Q64 Computers can store a vast quantity of data in very small media such as computer __ and disks
Q65 The act of writing is a data __ process.
Q66 The __ system is important in computing because computers are designed to process, store and transmit data in the form of binary numbers and signals
Q67 All the following are classified as pictorial and graphic symbols except __.
Q68 Decimal number and counting systems entail use of the digits 0, 1 …9, in various combinations to express ___.
Q69 Rules, ___ or styles of structure guide how sentences can be strung together to form paragraphs.
Q70 Among the specialised scientific methods or languages for expressing information with data are the __ number and counting systems
Q71 Data __ activities involve the inflow of data to the system from other systems.
Q72 The main goal of __ is to facilitate effective creation, computation and analysis, storage and retrieval, transfer and delivery of data.
Q73 Information __ provide the settings within which data and information management activities are performed.
Q74 Communication and information activities entail the creation, storage, communication of data and ___.
Q75 Data __ refers to the analysis, arrangement and formatting of symbols such as words, numbers and images to form data.
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