EDU821 Past Questions


The sum of deviations of the individual data elements from their mean is
Answer: sometimes greater than and sometimes less than zero, depending on the data elements

The most frequently occurring value of a data set is called the
Answer: mode

Ojo has just found that the variance of a sample of 32 observations to be 625. What then is the standard deviation of the sample?
Answer: 25

If the standard deviation of a sample of 50 observations is 6.0, what is the variance of that sample?
Answer: 36

If the standard deviation of a sample of 50 observations is 17.0, what is the variance of that sample?
Answer: 289

The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is the
Answer: range

Where a data set has an even number of observations, the median
Answer: is the average value of the two middle items when all items are arranged ascending order

If the size of a population is N and the size of a sample is n, then the correct relationship between N and n is
Answer: n>=n

The following represents age distribution of students in an elementary class. Find the mode of the values: 7,9, 10, 13,11, 7, 9, 19, 12,11,9, 7, 9,10,11.
Answer: 9

A parameter is
Answer: population characteristics

If the 6th and 7th data in a set in an ascending order are 2x and 2.5x respectively, calculate the value of x if the median of the given set of data is 4.2
Answer: 2

The level of measurement that allow the rank ordering of data items is:
Answer: ordinal measurement

A statistic
Answer: sample characteristics

Calculate the mean deviation of the following data correct to one decimal place: 3,5,8,11,12 and 21
Answer: 4.7

The value that has half of the observations above it and half the observations below it is called the
Answer: median

When the correlation r, is close to one
Answer: there is a strong linear relationship between the variables

Find the interquartile range of the following set of marks: 2,2,3,1,6,4,3,4,3,5.
Answer: 2

Abe has just found that the variance of a sample of 32 observations to to be 64.0. What then is the standard deviation of the sample?
Answer: 8

Which of the following is not a measure of dispersion?
Answer: the 31st percentile

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