ENT414 Past Questions


are the circumstances and possessions by a prospective entrepreneur which are likely to enhance or increase his chances or likelihood of success in the business
Answer: strength

‭ ‬technologies have enabled a seamless interaction between people and the global network
Answer: mobile communication

The overall responsibility for managing Internet Protocol address or domain names at upper levels is vested in the
Answer: information assigned numbers authority

advances in general have been important drivers of the convergence costs of capital of firms during the last decade
Answer: ict

are the assets and financial resources that form raw materials for the production of goods and services.
Answer: resources

are the assets and financial resources that form raw materials for the production of goods and services.
Answer: resources

is defined as a way of life of the people
Answer: culture

refers to the quality and number of amusement parks, recreational facilities, national museums, football stadium, and provision of social amenities.
Answer: social growth

The Internet is a that needs to operate around the world as if it were one.
Answer: data of information

deals essentially with chain of command-flow of communication from top to the bottom
Answer: structure

are one-to-many communication systems that operate in half-duplex mode
Answer: mobile two-way radios

The Internet has had important effects on the way in which people are managed within

Answer: international companies

also helped organizations to enhance the level of communication with employees and customers.
Answer: technology

Richard Cantillion, an Irish man living in France, in applied the word entrepreneur to business. Cantillion said that an entrepreneur is a person who bears risk.
Answer: 1755

The is the second level of grown and is higher than the incubation stage of the product life cycle, because it has moved from hidden stage to open market where it is being put to test, and i3acceptance?
Answer: acceptance stage

is the introductory or experimental period of the business.
Answer: business incubation stage

A network is a collection of terminal nodes, links are connected to enable between the terminals
Answer: telecommunication and telecommunication

is the peak period in the product life cycle
Answer: maturity stage

is very expensive and costly but it is still far cheaper than ignorance
Answer: education

has completely changed how we communicate, respond or entertain ourselves
Answer: internet technology

has helped many companies gain larger markets, audiences and create services that reach out to customers. Ï,-
Answer: power

are the circumstances and possessions by a prospective entrepreneur which are likely to enhance or increase his chances or likelihood of success in the business
Answer: strength

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