Three major ways of classifying childhood are early childhood, ______and later childhood
EYE’  stands for ______
In Nigeria, anybody under the age of 18 years is also seen as . . . .
Pre-primary education is given to children aged _______
According to National Policy on Education (1998) education for age 6-11 plus is _____
______ period could be regarded as the most important stage in human development
The period or era of Greek and Roman civilization lasted from
One of these men is not listed among those who contributed to the improved status of children
Which of these constitutions brought about what can be referred to as the era of self determination in education in Nigeria
What is the World Organization for Early childhood Education called?
Which philosopher advocated that children should be encouraged to learn through a process of exploration and discovery rather than instructing the child formally as we do in school?
How many stages of mental development are identified by Jean Piaget
Another name for the Christian sects led by John Calvin that played significant roles in changing negative attitude of people towards children is ______
Which year was the first education ordinance for West Africa Promulgated?
When was the first primary school established in Badagary Nigeria?
Plato advocated that education of children should start early in life because
When was the National UPE programme introduced in Nigeria?
The goal of the ECCD is not achieved by _____
Why was the ECCD project introduced in Nigeria?
The objective of OMEP Nigeria does not include _____
The target groups for the Early childhood education component of the UBE programme includes all of the following (Blue print 1999) except _____
Which of these is an obstacle to the achievement of the UBE goals and objectives?
When did a cross-section of Nigerian stakeholders in education come together to deliberate on the future education in Nigeria?
The English speaking Christian missionaries came into Nigeria _____
One can say that Western Education came to Nigeria through a body known as______
Which period in Nigeria was known as the period of total missionary control of education
Active government involvement in primary education in Nigeria started
Number of subsets of a set of order three is
The complement of the set B is _____________
 The bit strings for the sets are 1111100000 and 1010101010. The union of these sets is ___________
The following explain annuity
When payment occurs at the end of each period is called
The followings are the types of Cash flows except
What is the equivalence of 500 naira, if the amount is borrowed for 10years and if the interest is 15%
The final value of a 7 year annuity-due with nominal annual interest rate 9% and monthly payments of 100 Naira
Suppose you invest #2000 at an annual interest rate of % 6. Find your balance at the end of 1 year if interest is compounded semiannually
Linear programming basically deals
The L.P is more applicable to the following except
…………. defines the public interest as the “ex ante welfare of the representative individual”
……………, is a proposed course of action of a person, group or government within environment providing opportunities and obstacles which the policy was proposed to utilize and overcome in an effort to reach a goal or realize an objective or purpose
Policy analysis can be divided into two major fields
The folowingsare the features of public policy except
Ikelegbe (1996) asserted that the main features of a policy is that…………. Except
 Dye (1981) provides………….. reasons why we study public policy.
 classified public policy into Mega and Meta policies
……….. Classfified public policy in terms of Distributive, Regulatory and Redistributive Policies
A policy is………….. when its principal aim is changing the status quo.
Policy making process involves the following except
After the implementation, stage, performance appraisal comes up which is done through ………….
 …………. is defined as a process or sequence of activities involving stages of problem recognition, search for information, definition of alternatives and the selection of an actor of one from two or more alternatives consistent with the ranked preferences.
All the followings are the types of decision making except
Decisions regarding location of plant, volume of production and channels of distribution is called ………….
……….. are taken by top management or administration of an organization.
 â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦ are those which are made at the point where the work is carried out.
………… is composed of the demands that policy-makers agree to consider.
………… is the policy process in which policymakers propose courses of action for addressing agenda issues.
Who defined rational-comprehensive mode?l
………… can be defined as the system analysis approach based on principles of scientific investigation and scientific problem solving
……….. is the process of finding a decision alternative that meets the decision maker’s minimum standard of satisfaction.
Which  theory is criticized for employing the value-laden techniques of welfare economics
………… focuses on the formal or structural aspects of an institution and can be adopted in policy analysis
………… defined game theory as the study of mathematical models of negotiation, conflict and cooperation between individuals, organizations and governments.
Evaluation Research is …………….
…………. is preparation for action.
…………….. is an analytical technique for analyzing decision of programmes or project.
…………… is an integrated system of planning which involves systematic consideration of alternatives in the choice of strategies, and programming in the determination of manpower, material and other needs for accomplishing a programme.
 recognize six factors as the main determinants of success or failure of policies:
Anderson (1979) categorized the crucial actors in the policy-making process into……….
Organisation is concerned with the pattern of relationships between persons in an enterprise, so constructed as to fulfill the enterprise, so constructed as to fulfill the enterpriser‟s functions.
In olden days, organisations were simple because human society was in its
The followings are the basic features of organization except
……….. as one of the features means that organizations  almost always have some legal status by which they can be treated as social and legal entities, irrespective of the persons who might be said to inhabit them.
The early writers on public administration, viewed organisation from .
According to ………… organisation is a team or a group of people whose efforts are so related that they all fruitfully contribute to the achievement of set objectives or goals.
A body of principles of management was developed by ……….
 How many principles of management were propounded?
Which principles of management is concerned with ultimate authority from superior to the lowest ranks.
 â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦ was the first thinker to write on scientific management school: (A)  (B)  (C)  (D)
 â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦ was the first thinker to write on organizational school:
 The major focus of Weber argument centered on ………….
 Elton Mayo argument centered on ……….. (A (B) (C)  (D)
 Hierarchy of needs as a theory was developed by ………….
 Theories X and Y were propounded by …………
 Theory …………is concerned with laziness and counterproductive in nature: (A)  (B)  (C)  (D)
Theory …………is concerned with self direction and acceptability of work:
…………… theory is based on the notion that that the proper management technique in a given situation depends upon the nature and conditions of that situation: (A) (B) Theory Y (C)  (D)
Traditional theory also known as ……….
The followings are the  major differences between the formal and informal organisations except …….
…………  is the principle of organisation which stipulates that each employee in a subordinate level should be accountable to the next higher level and only to one superior
The traditional pattern of organising the administrative branch of the government is called ………..
………… identified the main functions of the staff agencies
t  ………. are those agencies that  concerned with the implementation or fulfillment of the primary objects of the government, and deal directly with the people, supply services to people, regulating their conduct, implementing programmes sanctioned by the legislature, collecting taxes.
Public enterprises are divided into ………… types
According to  ………….“Public enterprise without a plan can achieve something; a plan without public enterprise is likely to remain on paper.”
…………… was defined  asa publicly owned enterprise that has been charted under federal, state, or local law for a particular business or financial purpose.
 there are three distinct types of personnel systems, they are …………., …………., ……………
………….. defined the term “Public Relations as the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation and its public”
Another nsme for generalist is known as ………..
The L.P is more applicable to the following except
The L.P is more applicable to the following except
Given A = {1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15} and B = {6, 9, 12}, which is TRUE?
The binary relation S =  Φ (empty set) on set A = {1, 2,3}  is
Set of rational numbers Q is a subset of
Let S = {a, b. c. d} and T = {f, b, d, g}.
Consider the following contingency table for the salary range of 94 employees: Contingency Table for the Salary range of 94 Employees Salary/month ,N10, 000 and above men 20 women 37 total 57, Below N10000 men 15 women 22 total 37. men total 35, women 59. What is the probability of selecting an employee who is a man or earns below N10,000 per month?
A display of 15  T-shirts in a sports shop contains three different sizes: small, medium and large of15 T-shirts
If two T-shirts are  randomly selected  from the  T-shirts, what is the probability of selecting  both  a  small  T-shirts and large T-shirts, the first not being replaced before the second is selected?
Assuming two events, A and  B, the probability of event A, given that event B  has occurred  is  referred  to  as
A decision-making procedure,  which  employs  both  the  payoff  table  and  prior probabilities associated with the states of  nature to arrive at a  decision,  is referred to as
The followings are the environmental factors that influence decision making except
A number of decision criteria are available to the decision maker, they include the following except
What can be referred to as state of nature node
Which theory concerns making sound decisions under conditions of certainity, risk and uncertainty
This method of formal calculations often termed as  Linear Programming was developed later in which year?
Simple linear programming problem with ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ variables can be easily solved by the graphical method.
Any solution to a LPP which satisfies the non‐ negativity restrictions of the LPP is called its ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Â
A given Transport Problem is said to be unbalanced, if the total supply is not equal to the total ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Operations Research (OR) , which is a very powerful tool for
Operations Research has the characteristics that it is done by a team of ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
This charecteristics of Operations Research is often referred as
The posterior probability represented symbolically by ___________
___________ is the particular preference structure of the decision maker.
____________ are also called states of nature.
There are ___________ types of environments under which decisions can be made.
The ____________criterion is a regret criterion.
Decision taken under conflict is a ___________decision situation.
A decision tree is a __________ method of showing a sequence of inter-related decisions and outcomes.
decision tree represents the uncertainty of choice ___________.
The ___________ can also be referred to as state of nature node or event node.
The state of nature or chance nodes are depicted by ____________.
5X – 6 = 3X
A total of N10, 000 was invested in two business ventures, A and B. At the end of the first year, A and B yielded returns on the original investments of 6 percent and 5.75 percent  respectively. How was the original amount allocated if the total amount earned was N588.75?
Solve the simaltenous equations 3X – 4Y = 13, 3Y + 2X = 3, Calculate X
From the above calculate Y
2(X – 3) < 4
Suppose C = f (q) = 0.1q2 + 3 is a cost function, where C is in naira and q is in kgs. Then, the marginal cost of production would be:
Suppose a manufacturer sells a product at N2 per unit. If q units are sold, the total revenue is
The concept of derivatives can be used in
The demand equation for a manufacturer’s product is given by: P = 80 – X/4, At what value of X will there be a maximum revenue?
Consider the following raw data on hourly wage rate for six executive secretaries X1=950, X2=300, X3=1000, X4=950, X5=850, X6=750. Compute the median hourly wage rate for the six secretaries.
What measure the degree of non-uniformity of observations in a given set of data.
 consider  the arrayed data, X = 2,5,8,9,12,13,18.The mean deviation, MD .
Considering all observations of arithmetic mean, sum of squares of deviations must be less than
 If R = {(1,1),(2,3),(4,5)}, then domain of the function is ?
Every set is a ___________ of itself
The intersection of sets A and B is expressed as ?
 Solve equation x2 + 6x – 7 = 0
Equations having a common solution are called
Feasible region’s optimal solution for a linear objective function always includes
Probability is concept that mostly depend
Data can be represented in the following ways except ______________.
Find the mean of the following: 3,4,5,5,5,6,7,8,8,9.
Pictogram is simply a representation inform of ____________
Which of the following is not a method of collecting data
__________ are natural numbers with no factor other than, unity or itself
Cubic numbers are numbers that are ___________ power of natural numbers
___________ numbers can be converted from one base to another
The most common conversion is usually from base __________ to other bases
The discovery of zero in _________ AD help resolved the problem in numbers.
Zero was not a natural number so there were problems that became unresolved such as 2-2, 3-3, and ________
When zero is included to the set of natural numbers we have what is called ________ numbers.
_________ is a whole numbers that do not have any form of fraction associated with it.
The positive numbers are usually called _________ integers.
There are two strategies of drawing the number line. It can be drawn horizontally or ________-.
The effective practice of management requires a synthesis of science and ……….
A(n) …………….and an ………. are the two key components of a plan
Ideally, planning begins at the ………..of the organizational pyramid and ………..
When a manager performs duties such as greeting visitors, speaking at functions, taking important customers to lunch etc. This role is known as
Technical skills basically involve the following except _______________ in performing a job effectively
____________ skill is highly necessary at the lower level of management
The managers that supervise and coordinate the activities of operating employees are called
Managers can be differentiated into the folloing, except ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
______ is deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose
____________ managers are responsible for hiring and developing employees
The top managers are primarily involved in the following course of actions except:……
Specific, short-term statements detailing how to achieve an organization’s goals is known as its: ……..
The following are types of organizational control except …….
The following are examples of pencil and paper test excepts _____
The following are examples of pencil and paper test excepts _____
Organising can be defined as __________?
The number of people reporting to a manager is known as ……..
 The formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions, issue orders, and allocate resources to achieve organisationally desired outcomes  is ________.?
The skill necessary for a manager to view the organisation as a whole, and as a system comprised of various parts and sub-systems is known as _____
The top level of management includes these top executives except _____
Play is defines as —
A child is —– through play
A pre-school child learns — when engaged in play
Which of the following represents the stages of play?
Play aids the child in —
An ECE teacher should be  —
Which of the following best defines learning?
One of the following is described as organismic factor  —
Phenotypic expression refers to  —
Most of the theories of preschool teaching were propounded  —
Why is play called “Free play” in Preschool —
One of the following is the specific gains of play based learning —
Preschool childs first-style of learning is usually through —
The preschool child be allowed a free choice of play items as —
The type of learning that takes place through ryhmes, songs, questions and ancedotes is facilitated through what is known as —
Outdoor play promotes  —
Growth is described as  —
The following processes are involved in development
The development of innate potentialities of a child in a sequential order is referred to as  —
To avoid frustration in the teaching of preschool child, the teacher should be guided by  —
The basic activities that every organization must perform to succeed are called
The procedure for determining the duties and skills requirements of a job and the kind of person to be hired is known as
Which of the following is not an employment function?
Which of the following is the best for measuring the possession of skills?
Another name for compensation management is
Another name for frontline managers is
Which of the following is concerned with finding authority responsibility relationships among individuals?
  _______ is not a part of organisation structure.
_________ involves classifying of all applications received into very qualified, qualified and not qualified
Test and interview are under _________ sorting
 After setting performance level to be achieved in a specific future period, a set of activities to be executed in realizing the performance is called ________
Planning decisions taken by top management is cover at 5 years is called _________
  __________ structure involves group staff according to their areas of specialization.
 By inspecting activities going on during production when materials have been poured into production machine, a manager is involved in ____________ control.
 Lack of need attainment of employees results in _____________
___ is not a type of organisation chart
Job analysis determines __________ required to perform a job
Major marketing activities in a manufacturing organisation exclude
Functions in production unit of a manufacturing firm include ___________
  _______occur where a superior concentrate on more difficult special jobs and allows subordinates to treat less difficult ones.
Application of technical skill is more dominant at the __________ level of management
Activities the support successful implementation of plan include _________.
_________ structure is not a major method of structuring an organisation.
 ________ is not a merit of delegation of authority.
Decentralisation is similar to ___________.
__________ is not a limitation to informal organisation
The first stage in decision-making process is ___________.
 __________ is not a condition under which decisions are made.
__________ is not a type of control.
General types of budget used in organisation include _________ budgets.
Recruitment means ______________
Statement of future performance level and actions to be implemented to accomplish it is__
Plan decided at middle management level of an organisation is called ______ plan
__________ refers to decentralization in organisation structure except.
When a production manager inspects work done after stopping production machine, he is carrying out ________ control.
Syncronisation and harmonization of organisational tasks is called ________.
Staff discipline in human resources management is a __________
Advertising, personal selling and public relations are elements of _________.
A principle in which an employee obeys instructions of only one superior officer is unity of __________.
Strategic management includes __________.
In a simple explanation ___________ is any company’s vision of what it wants to achieve in the long term
According to Hamel and Prahalad 1989, _________ is ” a misfit between resources and aspirations ” of an organisation
According to El-Namaki (1992) a _____ is a mental perception of the kind of environment an individual or an organisation aspires to create within a broad time horizon and the underlying conditions for the actualization of this perception
According to Collins and Porras (1996) a well-concieved ________ consists of two major components ; care ideology and envisioned future
Hunger and Wheelen (1999) defined _____ as the purpose or reason for the existence of an organisation
Some of the characteristics of an effective ________ includes ; feasibility, precision, clarity, motivating, and even distinctive
The dimensions of buisness definition according to Abell includes the following except _______
A measure of organisational behaviour and performance, an effective objective must be;
_______ are the metrics or measures in terms of which the critical succes of organisations are evaluated
The sphere in which an organisation exists and conducts its operation is reffered to as _________
_______ analysis is used to appraise and classify the environment of buisness into its relevant components
_________ is what gives shape and characterise an environment assumes which depends on the perception of the observer
________ includes all the factors outside the environment that provide oppourtujities and pose threats to an organisation
The process of ___________ starts with, and critically depends on the appraisal of the external and internal environment of an organisation
_________________ are complex amalgamation of the events, trends, issues and expectations that continually shape the buisness environment of an organisation
According to Kubr, approaches which could be adopted for sorting out information for environmental scanning incude the following
____________ was used as a cap-stone course whiuch would give students an oppourtunity to pull together what they have learned together I analysing buisness problems. (Gorde and Howell 1959)
____________ is defnined as a decision rule considered as a general guidance for decision making
A good policy must be the following except __________
__________ is the study of the roles and responsibilities of top level amnagement, the significant issues affecting organisational success and the decisions affecting it in the long-run
Why should teachers avoid long-winded explanation when answering childrens’ question —
How can we make preschool centre look bright and colorful —
In infants’ room, the cots, craddles or mats must be arranged near the wall —
Materials used in preschool should be sturdy enough means —
Why should each child have a place for his/her own personal belongings? —
Why do we need grassy areas in preschool?  —
it is not advisable to keep turtles, rats ot other animals because  —
Age appropriateness in human research means
Individual appropriateness means  —
Policy formulation is the responsibility of __________
___________ is the methodology used to achieve a target as prescribed by a policy
The objectives of buisness policy include the following except __________
The purpose of buisness policy include the following except ________
Steps used to formulate or review an existing policy include the following except
___________ is a series of related steps or tasks expressed in order to achieve a specified purpose
Management policy araes are very extensive and some of them include the following except _________
The role of workers in policy formulation include the following;
___________ defined policies as objectives designed to guide the thinking, decisions, and actions of the managers and their subbordinates in implementins an organisation’s strategy
___________ promote uniform handling of similar activities in an organisation
________ emphasise aims and are stated as expectations
__________ are specific statements of what should and what should not be done
Planning, organising, motivating and controlling are basic functions of _______
According to Neubauer (1993) benefits of good vision are the following except ______
A mission statement, once formulated, should serve an organisation for _______ years
A mission statement should be __________ for members of the organisation and of society and they should feel its worth
In day to-day _________, managers are not concerned about survival, and therefore do not actively think about their mission for society
A _________ statement, along with the organisation’s purpose should indicate the major components of the strategy to be adopted
Objectives can be set or formulated at different time period such as ……….
A(n) _______________ must be tested on the basis of its verifiability and meaningfully used in stratefgic management
Understanding of buisness policy helps the executives to understand the impact of policy shifts, which could lead to;………
A …………… of the external and internal environment and how it affects the functioning of an organisation is vital toan understanding of business policy.
A learner can understand the environment by using…………..
In the study of buisness policy, a knowledge of objective include _________
Attainment of knowledge should lead to the development of ________
The knowledge of objectives in terms of _________ increases the mental ability of a learner and enables him to link theory and practice
The most important _________ developed through the study of buisness policy is that of a generalist
In acting in a comprehensive manner a ____________ is able to function under conditions of partial ignorance by using his judgement and initiative
Developing a creative and innovative __________ is the hallmark of a general manager who refuses to be bound by precedents and stereotyped decisions
Environmental scanning can create an overload of information that may prevent timely action. This situation is termed__________
The purpose of____________ is to uncover influences that matter for the future organisational strategic decision-making
___________ should not be too far from the realities of the organisation making it an impersonal, and staff function
To appraise the environment, you must be aware of the factors affecting the …….
One technique suggested by Glueck to structure the environment appraisal is _________
Organisational capability factors include the following;
Factord such as finance, marketing, operations, peronnel, information and general management areas are different types of ___________
competitive advantage is a special case of _____________ where there is one or more identified rivals against when the reward or penalties could be measured
Factors such as  union-management relationships, collective bargaining, safety, welfare, and security, e.t.c are related to _____________
Capital structure, procurement of capital, controllership, financing pattern, working capital and borrowings are factors related to _________________
Capital investment, fixed asset acquisition, current assets, loans and advances, dividend distribution are all factors related to ____________
The study of management theories teaches us the following except:
Management process is dynamic from one organization to another because of the following except:
Scientific management school believes in the following except:
Scientific management school was invented by
 ———– School emphasized importance of understanding human behavior and motivating employees as a means of achieving corporate goals.
Management roles emphasis was to the credit of
Informational roles of managers include the following except
Conceptual skills increases as managers do the following
Human relation skill is very important at what level of management
 ———– introduced the fourteen principles of management
 ________ is a type of power
Behavioural school of management experiment focused on determination of effect on workers’ productivity
Modern management informational functions include _________
 _________ recommended twelve principles of management
The best leadership style is __________ style.
A principle in which an employee obeys instructions of only one superior officer is unity of __________
_________ is not a member of administrative school of management
Resource allocation, disturbance handler and negotiator are _________ functions of modern management
 __________ recommended that there should be constant and intimate cooperation between management and workers
The use of different styles in management of an organisation is called ________ approach
 _________ is not a characteristic of bureaucracy
________ is a type of power
 Behavioural school of management experiment focused on determination of effect on workers’ productivity.
Modern management informational functions include _________.
Fourteen principles of management was propounded by _________
________ study investigates requirements of performing a task in order to discover improved ways of doing it.
Hawthorne effect was found in the contribution of ________ school of management
Admminstration means exercise of aothority. This is to credit who?
The three main type of deni nation or authority as explained by Max Weber are :-
The merits of bureaucracy include the following except:-
How can we make preschool centre look bright and colorful —
The course that focuses on the pattern of the childhood development as a scientific field of study is
Caregivers and teachers of pre-schoolers should have the following quanlities except one
Childhood begins after infancy at the age approximately two years and extends to the age of
Development is defined as the process of change in which the child manipulates object and interact with people at more complete level in the __________
Development is critical and plays a significant role in maturation and
The overall development of a child involves the following except one
One of the purpose of ECCDE in the current National Policy in Education (FRN, 2013) is to effect a smooth transition from the home to the __
ECCDE is the care, protection, stimulation and learning promoted in children from age
The first group of philosophers to initiate the development of early childhood education were
The following philosophers were of Greek origin except one
The writer of the book fitted “How Gertrude Teachers Her children” was_________
The Phychologist who believed that education should mould character and personality of pre-schoolers was
Fredrich Froebel a German was born in 1782 as a _____________
The founder of a type of kindergarten referred to as “Houses for children” was
The founding father of the present day project method of teaching was
Action research is conducted to find answer to classroom pressing
The quantitative classroom observation enables the teacher to gain understanding of children’s growth and
Anecdotal records and case studies are types of qualitative classroom
Correlation study implies measuring two
A research method which involves a treatment and control group is known as
The course that focuses on the pattern of the childhood development as a scientific field of study is
Caregivers and teachers of pre-schoolers should have the following quanlities except one
Childhood begins after infancy at the age approximately two years and extends to the age of
Development is defined as the process of change in which the child manipulates object and interact with people at more complete level in the __________
Development is critical and plays a significant role in maturation and
The overall development of a child involves the following except one
One of the purpose of ECCDE in the current National Policy in Education (FRN, 2013) is to effect a smooth transition from the home to the __
ECCDE is the care, protection, stimulation and learning promoted in children from age
The first group of philosophers to initiate the development of early childhood education were
The following philosophers were of Greek origin except one
The L.P is more applicable to the following except
Evaluate ∫30(x-1) (x-2) dx
 Evaluate dy/dx â‚Œ 2X +3
Solve the differential equation dx/dy – 4×3
The followings are the limitations of L. P except
One of the assumptions of linear programming is the
Which one is true about the Zero coupon bond?
A company wishes to spend #40000 for new equipment and decides to set up a sinking fund to accumute this money over a 3year period. If payments are to be made to the fund quartely with interest compounded quartely at an annual rate of 5%, how large should the payments?
The sinking fund was first used in Great Britain in the 18th century to reduce
The indirect methods of prsenting cash flows become preferable because
Who defined environment as “totality  of  the
nature  and  natural  resources  as  well  as the  context
within  which  they  exist and interact”?
What type of environment is characterized by solid, rocky crust covering
entire  planet.
One of these is not a layer of the atmosphere
The  social  environment  of  an  individual  is  the  cult ure  that  he  or  she  was
educated  and/or  lives  in,  and  the  people  and  institutions  with  whom  the
person  interacts.
What is defined as the knowledge, language, values, customs, and material objects that are passed from person to person and from one generation to the next in a human group or society?
One of these is not a category of culture
What type of culture relates  to  people’s  forms  of  social  organization  in  terms  of  how they  interact  and  organize  themselves  in  groups?
A child’s cultural and historical background  is expected to be a reflection
of his or her ——- and practices which determine his or her immediate
environment and how he or she functions within it
Who defined a child as any person below the  age of 18 years, which will thus include adolescents?
hich of these is among one of the most important relationships to the child?
Vous ___________________ française .
Mon père est très _______________ .
Paul et Ngozi ________________ Nigérians .
C’est la maison de mon _____________ père .
Moi, le professeur _____________ (punir) les élèves .
Les étudiants et moi _________________ (attendre)le directeur .
Elle _____________________ faim.
Je vais _____________________ marché .
On a mis trop ___________________ sel dans le poulet .
Obinna  a mangé un _____________________ de haricots.
Who defined environment as “totality  of  the
nature  and  natural  resources  as  well  as the  context
within  which  they  exist and interact”?
What type of environment is characterized by solid, rocky crust covering
entire  planet.
One of these is not a layer of the atmosphere
The  social  environment  of  an  individual  is  the  cult ure  that  he  or  she  was
educated  and/or  lives  in,  and  the  people  and  institutions  with  whom  the
person  interacts.
What is defined as the knowledge, language, values, customs, and material objects that are passed from person to person and from one generation to the next in a human group or society?
One of these is not a category of culture
What type of culture relates  to  people’s  forms  of  social  organization  in  terms  of  how they  interact  and  organize  themselves  in  groups?
A child’s cultural and historical background  is expected to be a reflection
of his or her ——- and practices which determine his or her immediate
environment and how he or she functions within it
Who defined a child as any person below the  age of 18 years, which will thus include adolescents?
hich of these is among one of the most important relationships to the child?
Voici _________________ père.
Elle va __________________ église.
Nous _________________________ fatigués.
Vous ___________________ belle.
Je _____________________________ Nigérian.
Voici _________________ ami d’enfance.
Je vous donne _____________________  numéro de telephone.
     Ma  _____________________ est belle.
Je passe les grandes vacances ____________________ france.
La vendeuse ne vend pas ___________________ salade.
Nous _________________________ fatigués.
Vous ___________________ belle.
Je _____________________________ Nigérian.
Voici _________________ ami d’enfance.
Je vous donne _____________________  numéro de telephone.
     Ma  _____________________ est belle.
Paul et Ngozi ________________ Nigérians .
C’est la maison de mon _____________ père .
Moi, le professeur _____________ (punir) les élèves .
Les étudiants et moi _________________ (attendre)le directeur .
The Study of behavioural Science can be viewed in terms of three main disciplines except
In Nigeria, the role of the Civil Service Commission in
_______________ is the progression of an individual in
One of the following is not a type of internal recruitment
In an organizational set up,one of the underlisted orientations to work is not involved
What in your opinion does behavioural science attempt to achieve in an organizational work environment?
In an organizational structure one of the underlisted is not a line staff
The postulation of X andY style of management as a function of the
The process of planning, organising, directing and controlling of the
The process by which a firm ensures that it has the right numbers
5X – 6 = 3X
A total of N10, 000 was invested in two business ventures, A and B. At the end of the first year, A and B yielded returns on the original investments of 6 percent and 5.75 percent  respectively. How was the original amount allocated if the total amount earned was N588.75?
Solve the simaltenous equations 3X – 4Y = 13, 3Y + 2X = 3, Calculate X
From the above calculate Y
2(X – 3) < 4
Suppose C = f (q) = 0.1q2 + 3 is a cost function, where C is in naira and q is in kgs. Then, the marginal cost of production would be:
Suppose a manufacturer sells a product at N2 per unit. If q units are sold, the total revenue is
The concept of derivatives can be used in
The demand equation for a manufacturer’s product is given by: P = 80 – X/4, At what value of X will there be a maximum revenue?
Consider the following raw data on hourly wage rate for six executive secretaries X1=950, X2=300, X3=1000, X4=950, X5=850, X6=750. Compute the median hourly wage rate for the six secretaries.
In a recruitment exercise of an organization applicants must be
_______ is the critical and one of the first steps in the personnel management functions of an organization
One  major type of internal selection in an organisation is ________________
The Maslow theory of hierrachy of need states that satisfaction of human needs starts from___________
______ is the opportunity for advancement and the chance to make the best possible use of one’s
Supplementary compensation or allowances made as payments to employes in addition to salaries and wages are called
The gap between present performance and expected performance may be bridged by management
Reasons but one a superior officer may be absent from office for a fairly long period of time and his
Any attempt to improve managerial effectiveness through a planned and delibrate learning process is called
Reasons for performance appraisal include but one of these
In a recruitment exercise of an organization applicants must be
_______ is the critical and one of the first steps in the personnel management functions of an organization
One  major type of internal selection in an organisation is ________________
The Maslow theory of hierrachy of need states that satisfaction of human needs starts from___________
______ is the opportunity for advancement and the chance to make the best possible use of one’s
Supplementary compensation or allowances made as payments to employes in addition to salaries and wages are called
The gap between present performance and expected performance may be bridged by management
The postulation of X andY style of management as a function of the
The process of planning, organising, directing and controlling of the
The process by which a firm ensures that it has the right numbers
The L.P is more applicable to the following except
Evaluate ∫30(x-1) (x-2) dx
 Evaluate dy/dx â‚Œ 2X +3
Solve the differential equation dx/dy – 4×3
The followings are the limitations of L. P except
One of the assumptions of linear programming is the
Which one is true about the Zero coupon bond?
A company wishes to spend #40000 for new equipment and decides to set up a sinking fund to accumute this money over a 3year period. If payments are to be made to the fund quartely with interest compounded quartely at an annual rate of 5%, how large should the payments?
The sinking fund was first used in Great Britain in the 18th century to reduce
The indirect methods of prsenting cash flows become preferable because
One of these is not an objective of school worship
Which of these is not necessary for schol worship?
Which are the two prominent religions in the country?
What is important to both the government and some schools is the
One of these is not a quality of a moral education teacher
The moral education teacher must have all of these except
The moral education teacher must not do this
According to Obanya (19985) a good teaching should begin with
To do the above, the teacher has to question himself on these except
In which method of teaching does the teacher become the manager?
Public Administration may be defined as
Adamolekun (1983) defined Public Administration as
When we talk about the scope of public administration in Nigeria, we are referring to
The scope of Public Administration in Capitalist Countries tends to be less compared to that of Socialist Countries because,
McKinney and Howard (1979) identified one of the rationales for studying Public Administration
Gullick and Urwick (1937) Visualize administration in terms of its functions such as

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