Q1 The legal alternative to litigation whereby conflict parties submit to a neutral for resolution is known as _______.
Q2 Win �?? loose outcomes in conflict resolution are associated with __________
Q3 Cooperative and competitive approaches are processes of
Q4 The point of divergence between dispute settlement and dispute resolution lies in
Q5 Competitive conflict styles is synonymous with?
Q6 Communication �?? facilitation, procedural and directive strategies are three main strategies of ________.
Q7 __________ simply aimed at ending a dispute as quickly and amicably as possible.
Q8 The law that deals with maritime commerce is known as ________ law
Q9 International Court of Justice is situated in _______.
Q10 Who outlined prior appraisal, implementation, monitoring, conflict diagnosis, rescues identification and evaluation as essential elements in complete conflict prevention planning and decision circle
Q11 What distinguishes conflict transformation from conflict management and conflict resolution?
Q12 Which of the following best describes conflict management?
Q13 What does the Early Warming Systems (EWS) entail?
Q14 Which of the following does not constitute part of international law?
Q15 One of the criticisms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) strategies is that ____________
Q16 In the simplest terms, negotiation means
Q17 Strategies of mediation include all but one of the following
Q18 Which are the three categories of mediators identified in this course?
Q19 How many essential elements did Michael Lund identify in a complete conflict prevention planning?
Q20 The mediator as a process person is like
Q21 Which of the following is not an outcome when trust levels are high
Q22 A situation whereby mediator works hard to shape the content and nature of a final outcome is called_____.
Q23 When is mediation in conflicts is more likely to be unsuccessful?
Q24 Learning to be a good helper is a way of helping yourself, it also sometimes called ______.
Q25 Which conflict handling style claim that people can be directed or controlled
Q26 Which organ of dispute settlement process is most important under the World Trade Organization dispute settlement
Q27 Conflict resolution strategies involve all but one of the following. Identify the wrong option
Q28 Alternative Dispute Resolution Processes were first adopted in
Q29 Which of the following is not an outcome of judgement when the plaintiff is successful
Q30 Which of the following is not an outcome of judgement when the plaintiff is successful
Q31 Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, the ________, assists two or more parties in order to help them negotiate an agreement on a matter of common interest
Q32 ___________ which is a process whereby the parties to a dispute agree to utilize the services of a conciliator, who then meets with the parties separately in an attempt to resolve their differences.
Q33 Conflict usually transforms perceptions by accentuating the differences between people and _________
Q34 Conflict management correctly assumes that conflicts are _________term processes that often cannot be quickly resolved
Q35 The two most basic orientations when people enter into negotiations are �??cooperative�?� or __________
Q36 Learning to be a good helper is a way of helping yourself, it is also sometimes called _______-
Q37 When is mediation in conflicts more likely to be unsuccessful?
Q38 A situation whereby mediator works hard to shape the content and nature of a final outcome is called __________.
Q39 How many are the basic sources of trust mediator?
Q40 Which of the following is not an outcome when trust levels are high?
Q41 How does Mediators build trust with the parties?
Q42 Mutual adjustment is one of the key causes of the changes that occur during
Q43 Which meditative strategy adopt threats of withdrawals
Q44 ________ gives a mediator the opportunity to control aspects of interaction
Q45 ________ is the most powerful form of intervention?
Q46 Which of these factors may not pose a serious constraint on any mediation effort?
Q47 Identify the resource required for mediating conflicts?
Q48 Integrative bargaining is also known as ____________
Q49 When is mediation likely to be successful?
Q50 A phase in the life cycle of conflict where parties may not wish to countenance any further losses and are prepared to commit to a settlement is described as __________
Q51 Which of the following is not an outcome of judgement when the plaintiff is successful
Q52 Alternative Dispute Resolution Processes were first adopted in
Q53 Conflict resolution strategies involve all but one of the following. Identify the wrong option
Q54 Which organ of dispute settlement process is most important under the World Trade Organization dispute settlement
Q55 Which conflict handling style claim that people can be directed or controlled
Q56 Learning to be a good helper is a way of helping yourself, it also sometimes called _______.
Q57 When is mediation in conflicts is more likely to be unsuccessful?
Q58 A situation whereby mediator works hard to shape the content and nature of a final outcome is called ____.
Q59 We have _____ basic sources of trust mediator.
Q60 Which of the following is not an outcome when trust levels are high
Q61 Which of these factors may not poses a serious constraint on any mediation effort?
Q62 Identify the resource required for mediating conflicts?
Q63 Integrative bargaining is also known as ______.
Q64 When is mediation likely to be successful?
Q65 A phase in the life cycle of conflict where parties wish to countenance any further losses and are prepared to commit to a settlement is described as _______.
Q66 Competitive conflict styles is synonymous with ______.
Q67 The point of divergence between dispute settlement and dispute resolution lies in
Q68 Cooperative and competitive approaches are processes of ______.
Q69 Win �?? loose outcomes in conflict resolution are associated with __________
Q70 The legal alternative to litigation whereby conflict parties submit to a neutral for resolution is known as ______.
Q71 Which conflict handling style claim that people can be directed or controlled?
Q72 Which organ of dispute settlement process is most important under the World Trade Organization dispute settlement?
Q73 Conflict resolution strategies involve all but one of the following. Identify the wrong option
Q74 Alternative Dispute Resolution Processes were first adopted in
Q75 Which of the following is not an outcome of judgement when the plaintiff is successful
Q76 The legal alternative to litigation whereby conflict parties submit to a neutral for resolution is known as ________
Q77 Win �?? loose outcomes in conflict resolution are associated with __________
Q78 Cooperative and competitive approaches are processes of ______
Q79 The point of divergence between dispute settlement and dispute resolution lies in _______
Q80 Competitive conflict style is synonymous with?
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