PCR211 Past Questions


aims to help countries tom by conflict create conditions for sustainable peace
Answer: peacekeeping

Although the word peacekeeping is not in the UN Charter, the UN Security Council has deployed over 50 peacekeeping operations into conflict and post-conflict situations since
Answer: 1948

involves activities such as negotiations, mediation, third party intervention, shuttle diplomacy, and so on that lead up to a peace agreement
Answer: peacemaking

The UN was established after the collapse of
Answer: league of nations

In 2008, Africa hosted operation personnel. peace
Answer: 78, 975

Long-term conflict prevention addresses the sources of conflict in order to build a solid foundation for peace
Answer: structural

involves activities such as negotiations, mediation, third party intervention, shuttle diplomacy, and so on that lead up to a peace agreement
Answer: peacemaking

Under chapter of the UN charter, the UN can authorize military action to enforce its resolutions
Answer: 7

defines activities undertaken to reassemble the foundations of peace and provide the tools for building on those foundations something that is more than just the absence of war.
Answer: peacebuilding

Under chapter of the UN charter, the Security Council may authorize member countries to take military action in response to international breaches of the peace.
Answer: 7

addresses conflicts that are in progress.
Answer: peacemaking

is a condition of peace and of human survival
Answer: security

Article 21 of the Covenant of the League of Nations emphasized the vital role of regional organisations for securing the maintenance of peace.
Answer: peacekeeping

In the Security Council authorized member States to undertake enforcement action aimed at certain more specific goals
Answer: 1993

is an activity that is usually carried out by a third party military force and is designed to separate armed combatants in a civil conflict and maintain a negotiated or proclaimed ceasefire.
Answer: structural

According to a distinction is often made between the building of peace from above and from below
Answer: ame

Peace operations in the United Nations (UN) involve important activities
Answer: 3

The Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace, and for restoring peace when conflicts arise
Answer: un

peacekeeping forces play a neutral role in the safeguarding of global peace and the threat of regional conflicts several ways
Answer: un

The missions of a peacekeeping force may include provisions to monitor, , or otherwise support humanitarian intervention.
Answer: police

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