The first welfare policy in Germany was in  …………… scheme
Social security appeared in American public policy in ……………..year
The law titled ………………Act was established in August 1935 in the USA
………………….year was social security was established to promote economic welbeing
Social services includes all these, except, ………………….
Voluntary social welfare services are as follows except …………………
………………… is a professional course of study of welfare administration
Social service has three infant area of research work exept………….
………………… recognised as second genetic field branch of social work
……………………organisation is the branch of social work
Take into consideration feeling of collective social action that have a lasting solution for community
…………………organisation is a technigue of social work designed to reach people in need of government assistance
……………….year did charity organisation emerged as a body
Charity organisation started in London in ………………
Social work as a moral philosophy was not to pursue …………….enterprise
………………..was regarded as the director of Baltimore Charity organisation in 1897
………………year was social work structure of social work education was established in the USA
The social work education was based on the practice of preparing individual to……………………
…………………….is regarded as second objective of preparing individual for social case worker
………………… the major proponents of school of social work
Friedrich _________   the   originator   of   the   Kindergarten   recognized   and  made use of play, games, note expression, song
Heinrich Pestalozzi the father of _____________ education however stressed  the use of the immediate environment for learning through the use of  observation,   sense   impression   and   investigation.
The guiding principles of __________ a Greek Philosopher too was “know  thyself”
 Socrates emphasized dialectic (question and answer) consisting of a ________ step   proposition
Plato’s approach included the use of dialetic and intuitive _____________
Aristolte advocated learning by ___________  experience
Vittorino De  Felt   the   father   of   secondary   education,   placed   great   attention   on  individual difference and ___________  education.
The _______ and level  of development of the learners’ intelligence should be considered before the choice of a method for teaching economics is made
The  method of teaching economics at SS3 class should be different from  that employed to teach the _______ students.
 The previous knowledge of the learners is  important in the learning of a ________ task
Sociology as a field assists the members of any society to solve_________ problem
The society comprises of ________which man interacts with for survival.
What is necessary at every level of leadership is ________
A human child has a remarkable capacity to imitate others to develop according to the tenets of  _______
Sociology as a discipline is the scientific study of ________ in the society.
Apart from the ________, the child is also influenced by his school mates or groups.
Social stratification and each social class plays a dominant role in the _________  development of a child.
The environment where children are brought up has __________  effect on the children’s education.
________  occurs where a man marries more than one wife.
________  occurs where a woman is married to more than one husband.
 Concern with self-esteem: This is related with the development of self-esteem and a  strong sense of _________
________  can be used to act out an event or an experience
 Concern for right and ______  : This is related to the development of ethics
 Concern for_______ : This is related to the development of group and other- centredness.
 Concern for the _________: This emphasizes the development of a global perspective of  issues.
Social Studies programme should make  every school-going child to acquire relevant __________ , develop the skills, attitudes and values.
The values of learning Social Studies are quite related to the ________ and objectives of teaching the subject at different levels of a nation’s education system.
Instructional materials or media is the modern term used for teaching materials
 Learning Social Studies is a source of inspiration in children to love their country and appreciate their natural _________.
 A  new  9—year  Basic  Education  Curriculum  was devveloped by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) IN _____
Nigeria’s philosophy of education is based on education that emphasizes a land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens
National policy on education emphasizes moral and spiritual values in interpersonal and________ relations.
Nigeria’s philosophy of education is based on education that emphasizes a united _______ and self-reliant nation
National policy on education emphasizes respect for the worth and_________ of individuals
Nigeria’s philosophy of education is based on education that emphasizes a ______ and democrtic society
 The National Policy on Education is a ______ for achieving the country’s national objectives.
Nigeria’s philosophy of education is based on education that emphasizes a just and _________ society
Nigeria’s philosophy of education is based on education that emphasizes a great and _________ economy
National policy on education emphasizes faith in man’s ability to make rational decisions.
 The philosophy of Nigeria’s education is  premised on_______ objectives.
Social studies is supposed to be perceived as one that promotes the three  domains  of  learning;  cognitive,  affective  and _________
Social Studies as a discipline of study in our educational system should therefore be seen as ________ education
Adeyoyin  (1991)  identified ______ different conceptions that one could use to explain the nature  of social studies.
The  individual  is  expected to be trained to become _______  citizen who votes during elections.
An Individual as a Good  Citizen maintains ___________  home life
An Individual as a Good  Citizen ______  school rules
An Individual as a Good  Citizen ______    his civic   duties
An Individual as a Good  Citizen _______ rational  judgement
This  nature  of  Social  Studies  requires  the  teacher  to _________  essential  components  of  a  particular society’s cultural patterns
Social studies as skill development emphasizes  a  variety  of  opportunities  that  would encourage  the  learners  to  acquire  a  variety  of  _____.
Social studies is supposed to be perceived as one that promotes the three  domains  of  learning;  cognitive,  affective  and _________
Social Studies as a discipline of study in our educational system should therefore be seen as ________ education
Adeyoyin  (1991)  identified ______ different conceptions that one could use to explain the nature  of social studies.
The  individual  is  expected to be trained to become _______  citizen who votes during elections.
An Individual as a Good  Citizen maintains ___________  home life
An Individual as a Good  Citizen ______  school rules
An Individual as a Good  Citizen ______    his civic   duties
An Individual as a Good  Citizen _______ rational  judgement
This  nature  of  Social  Studies  requires  the  teacher  to _________  essential  components  of  a  particular society’s cultural patterns
Social studies as skill development emphasizes  a  variety  of  opportunities  that  would encourage  the  learners  to  acquire  a  variety  of  _____.
Which subject teaches pupils to organise and classify facts?
What is the highest level at which a pupil get meaning of what is read?
Identify a method that is effective for  teaching the reading of  sight words?
Mention two skills that can be naturally acquired in a language
Where does the learning of reading starts?
Ability to processed grahical symbools is called–
Another name for extensive reading is?
Evaluation can categorised into — and —
Which techniques of assessment allow the teacher to identify leraning difficulties of  learners?
Whole  language  approach is derived from —
Identify a useful tool in the teaching of reading instruction
Which  technique helps in working out word pronunciation?
One of the defect of look and say method is—-
Which approach is suitable for the phonics and structural methods?
A common reading activities in primary school is —
Forming opinions about the values, qualities or worth of pupils is called —
Which series are texts specifically designed to teach reading?.
Another name for reading aloud is —
Which approach acknowledges the interrelatedness of language skills
Locating main ideas in reading is called —
Authority should commensurate with……………
Human relation movement was discovered by ……
…………. Started in Chicargo in 1924 – 1932
Social man is motivated by ……………………. Needs
…………… is the faher of human relation movement
…………… made contribution to behaviorism
…….. Is not an approach to public administration
…………………. Is  noted for theory of formal and informal organization
…………… is not acceptable function of administrative theory
Bureaucratic theory was propounded by ……..
According to bureaucratic theory …………..  Is not typohogy theory …… is not typohogy of authority
What type of reading goes beyond class reading?
What helps us to locate the main point in passage
Reading methods are based on –and — language approaches
What is the smallest unit of sound in English?
Speaking and writing  skills  are called —
Mention the most popular  method  of  teaching  reading  in  primary schools.
Which approach  is  derived  from the Constructivist  learning  theory?
Identify two types of assessment.
Identify a method that is effective for  teaching the reading of  sight words?
The following is not a tool in evaluation
One of the criteria that define literature as children’s literature include the following except
Another name  for  library users is —
An example of non-reference print material is
The raw material of literature is —
When does realistic stage occur in children?
The movement of the eyes backwards over what is read is known as —
Select the odd item: well written children literature have themes that
One of these is not the function of a library
The purpose of skimming a book is to —
Which of these is not a complex structure of a novel?
The good of children’s literature reading program is to successfully teach children
At what age does romantic stage occurs in children?
Reading can be a source of pleasure and —
All of these are psychological needs of a child except —   .
One of these is not a criteria for choosing literature for children
The periods of development between 6 -11 years is called —
What guide teachers of literature in choosing appropriate literary works for children?
The story line of a novel or drama is known as —
A type of reading that separate facts from fiction is —
What is scanning?
Children’s needs can be categorized into — and—
A  type of library where the collection and users are restricted to certain types and categories is —
Books can be categorised into two groups, namely-
Which of the following suggests good reading habit?
Legends and stories of supernatural events or long narrative poems can be all of these except
Piaget postulated — intellectual development stages
An example of non-print material in a library is —
Which of the following is not a type of library?
Extensive reading requires —
At what stage does children between ages 3-5 function
More than two-third of Nigeria’s population are living in rural areas & they experience a lot of ………. Among others
Nigerian rural development strategy lacked holistic foundation, ideological and philosophical foundation. This refers to ..
Development theory and administration is characterized by innovation and ………………
The approaches of rural development is geared towards …… of the rural population
An ideal approach which is costly and slow in operation is referred to as……………….
The priority of the Nigeria government since 1960 to rural development include the following except one
Advocates of Modernization theory include Marquis de Condorcet and ……………….
Approaches of rural development in Nigeria include: growth, pole centre model, selective approach and ….. among others
……. Stimulates inquiry as we search for knowledge about many different aspects of behaviour
According to Fayol (1984), administration include foresight, organization, command, co-ordination &……
Societal development is a development which is geared towards …………………. In the society
Development administration is concerned with ……………………
……. of developing country is pursued in order to create an economy which enjoys self-sustaining growth
Following the socialist revolution in Russia in 1917, public enterprises were instituted in the place of …………………..
Economic revolution came about as a result of economic ………………….
Social welfare which include. Old age security, unemployment benefits, health, education etc are also known as…….
After the Second World War, there was need for ………………….. Which required the active role of the state
The type of rural development approach which requires force to maintain and sustain it is referred to as…………
The following are types of theories of development and administration except one
……… theory examines the benefits and hinderances of economic development
The behaviourist theory was rejected by another group of theorists led by —
Which of these can used for formative purposes?
One of these is not a component of evaluation
One quality of a test is —
Babies can say their first word between — and — months
What guide the teacher about the nature and characteristics of the learners to teach
Another name for the aural-oral method of language teaching is  __________
The communicative approach is —
Which skill has to do with speaking and listening
Which theory focuses on environmental influences on language acquisition
The specific role of development is to bring about general …………….. of man’s means of livelihood
….. is by far the most dominant vehicle for conscious social change, used widely by donors, NGOs & government the world over
The following except one are the three types of change and development
A …………… area is any given area that is not urban
The following are components of growth models in rural development except one
Rural ……………… constitutes the substance of rural welfare
A nation is said to have recorded economic growth if that nation has experienced increase in ……………………
Poor infractural facilities in rural area include any three of the given options except………..
The process which is concerned with the general improvement of man’s conditions of living specifically refers to ……
One of the following is not included among the nature of rural development
The essential indices for development include the following except…………..
One of the Africa country that operate a mono economy is ……………..
The following except…………. are indices for development
The classical and neo-classical model states that growth of any economy is a function of………..
The role of ………… resources in promoting development is a function of technological change
The following except one are steps to engineering developmement in rural area
One of the essential component of ………………… is that the economic growth is identified by a sustained increase
The following are terms used for economic development except…………..
The problem confronting the classical model is that there must not be …………. Manpower to harness the resources


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