ZLY 103 – Multiple question on NEMATODES

Typically, the first stage in animal development after zygote formation is a solid ball of cells called the
A) blastula
B) morula
C) gastrula
D) planula
Other than Radiata, eumetazoans are
A) ablastic (having no tissue layers)
B) triploblastic
C) monoblastic
D) diploblastic
The eumetazoan phylum sometimes called “wheel animals” because of their feeding mechanism is
A) Porifera
B) Rotifera
C) Nematoda
D) Anthozoa
A class of cnidarians that lacks a medusa stage is
A) Hydrazoa
B) Cubazoa
C) Anthozoa
D) Scyphozoa
For excretion, flatworms use
A) nephridia
B) flame cells
C) osmosis
D) regurgitation
The nervous system of most flatworms can be correctly described as
A) a nerve net
B) a nerve ladder
C) a nerve chord
D) a nerve ring
E) lacking
Cnidarian digestion is
A) internal and extracellular
B) internal and intracellular
C) internal, extracellular and intracellular
D) external and intracellular
E) external, extracellular and intracellular
The largest phylum of pseudocoelomates is
A) Cycliophora
B) Platyhelminthes
C) Cestoda
D) Nematoda
E) Rotifera
Cnidarian larvae are known as
A) planulae
B) cercariae
C) metacecariae
D) polyps
E) medusae
Which of the following statements about nematocysts is incorrect?
A) stings from nematocysts may be fatal
B) the osmotic pressure of a nematocyst may exceed 100 atmospheres
C) nematocysts turn inside out when fired
D) nematocysts are used only by cnidarians
E) nematocysts may occur on bodies of cnidarians as well as on their tentacles
The parasite that infects people who eat undercooked pork is
A) Clonorchis
B) Schistosoma
C) Trichinella
D) Caenorhabditis
E) Dugesia
Which of the following is characteristic of sponges?
A) symmetry
B) sexual reproduction
C) tissues
D) organs
E) adult mobility
In humans, the infective stage of the liver fluke is the
A) sporocyst
B) redia
C) miracidium
D) metacercaria
E) cercaria
Which of the following is not a characteristic found in cnidarians?
A) tissues
B) symmetry
C) sexual reproduction
D) asexual reproduction
E) organs
Which one of the following characteristics is found in cnidarians?
A) organs
B) respiratory system
C) blood vessels
D) specialized internal cavity
E) nervous system
Tapeworms attach to the digestive lining of the host by means of their
A) proglottids
B) stylets
C) osculum
D) mastax
E) scolex
Water taken in through the pores in sponges exits through the
A) mesoglea
B) spicules
C) osculum
D) gastrovascular cavity
E) coelenteron
The planulae of _______________ develop only into polyps
A) Hydrozoa
B) Ctenophora
C) Scyphozoa
D) Cnidaria
E) Anthozoa
The scyphozoa are called jellyfish because of their
A) mesoderm
B) mesoglea
C) mesenchyme
D) mesentery
E) pectin
Which of the following have a one-way digestive system?
A) ctenophorans
B) flukes
C) tapeworms
D) free living flatworms
E) cnidarians
Of the Eumetazoa listed below, the _______________ are generally considered the most primitive.
A) Chordata
B) Rotifera
C) Onychophora
D) Ctenophora
E) Pogonophora
The phylum of the simplest animal to have a blood filled circulatory system is
A) Annelids
B) Nemertea
C) Arthropoda
D) Mollusca
E) Chordata
Which of the following phyla were discovered most recently?
A) Cycliophora
B) Cnidaria
C) Porifera
D) Nematoda
E) Platyhelminthes
The phylum of the simplest animals to possess a complete digestive system is
A) Nemertea
B) Rotifera
C) Onycophora
D) Ctenophora
E) Annelida
Sexually, most flatworms are
A) parthenogenic
B) asexual
C) hermaphroditic
D) amorphous
E) aphrodisiac
Animals with the simplest tissue level of organization are:
A) mesoblastic
B) meroblastic
C) monoblastic
D) diploblastic
E) triploblastic
Which term is incorrectly identified?
A) planula — hollow, ciliated ball of cells
B) proglottids — repeating units of the body of a tapeworm
C) proboscis – a long muscular tube found in nemerteans
D) flame cells — protonephridia found in flatworms
E) mesentery — peritoneum that forms a double layer of tissue surrounding and anchoring the digestive tract and associated organs
In vertebrates the blastopore becomes the anus, and during cleavage, the regulatory signal in the egg are evenly distributed in the cells. An invertebrate phylum sharing these characteristics is the:
A) Arthropoda
B) Nematoda
C) Annelida
D) Mollusca
E) Echinodermata
The sponges have all of the following characteristics except:
A) highly specialized cells
B) simple tissues
C) a gel-like matrix
D) cell recognition
E) complex multicellularity
The outer covering and nervous systems of eumetazoans develop from the:
A) ectoderm
B) endoderm
C) mesoderm
D) a and c
E) a, b, and c
Which one of the following is not a member of the phylum Cnidaria?
A) jellyfish
B) comb jelly
C) hydra
D) coral
E) sea anemone
Cnidarians are:
A) asymmetrical
B) bilaterally symmetrical
C) radially symmetrical
D) trisymmetrical
E) none of the above
A cnidocyte is a specialized cell used for:
A) sensing light
B) digesting food
C) capturing food
D) sensing movement
E) circulating water
Key evolutionary advances of the solid worms are bilateral symmetry and:
A) a coelom
B) internal organs
C) a one-way digestive tract
D) a body cavity
E) a circulatory system
The free-swimming larval stage of cnidarians is the planulae.
A) True
B) False
The presence of collar cells in sponges suggests an evolutionary relationship between the sponges and ciliates.
A) True
B) False
Sponges belong to the subkingdom Eumetazoa.
A) True
B) False
A jellyfish is an example of a medusa body form.
A) True
B) False
Nematodes are animals with a body cavity between the endoderm and the mesoderm.
A) True
B) False
Solid worms are pseudocoelomates.
A) True
B) False
Multiple question

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