
All the following are types of equilibrum EXCEPT?
The process where a liquid turns spontaneously into vapour below its boiling point.
All of the following must be provided in the laboratory in anticipation of emergencies that may arise from breach of safety measures except ____
The following are very important structural features of a science laboratory except;
In which of the following laboratories will the provisions of weighing balance room be of most priority?
Safety is always of paramount concern in school science laboratory. Which of the following might NOT be considered to be at the centre of such concerns?
Which of the following is likely to be the most effective professional steps to take towards averting the breach of safety measure and also to control such if/when they occur?
All of the following constitute serious potential sources of hazards in the school laboratory except:
Which of the following hazards can be described as the most prevalent in school science laboratories?
Which of the following may not be attributed to chemical hazards in the school laboratory?
Which of the following does NOT constitute potential source of fire outbreak in the school science laboratory?
“fire triangle” in the school laboratory refers to________?
 Which of these relations express the first and second laws of thermodynamics
The rate of flow o elecric charge along a conductor is defined as_________
When a system is said to be operating in a cylce,then it________________
The physical property attributed to the gas thermometer is ______
_________ is a sound heard after the  reflection of sound waves from plane surfaces
 Which of these properties of the liquid in glass thermometer is found very useful?
What is the wavellength of the sound rom a tuning fork wich vibrates at a frequency of 250Hz in air? Take th velocit ofsound as 330m/s
Change in the electric potential difference or current between two metal junctions at different temperature is a property of which thermometer?
Find the turns ration in a transformer whcich delivers a voltage of 120volts in the secondary coil from a primary voltage of 60volts
Properties being used for the construction of thermometers are called ______________
Which of the following factors must be considered in the storage of reagents and equipments in the science laboratory?
Which of the following would be considered as the best method of  storage of concentrated acids and bases and poisonous chemicals?
A major safety issue in the science laboratory is that the labels on all reagent bottles must be written:
Dangerous Chemicals that have expired should be disposed off by:
Outdoor Laboratories include all the following except _____
All of the following facilities need to be provided in the science laboratory store except:
All of the following considerations must be borne in mind while storing chemicals in shelves in the science laboratory store except _____
In the school science laboratory the term “general services” refer to the following except:
Which of the following can be most easily improvised as a heating device in the laboratory where gas and Bunsen burners are unavailable especially in the cases of rural areas?
Which of the following would more closely conform with best safety practices in locating the gas cylinder used for heating system in the laboratory?
In which of the following school laboratories is there the greater need for the provision of stools for students to sit during experiments?
Audio-visual aids (e.g. charts and models) are generally provided and displayed in school science laboratories. These are meant to:
Which of the following possible learning attitudes does science laboratory practice seek to discourage?
Which of the following comprise the knowledge aspects of science laboratory work and for which provisions needed to be made for assessment?
In contemporary school laboratory work, which of the following skills is most predominantly assessed?
Which of the following geographical directions is considered most suitable for the orientation of laboratory buildings during construction?
Which of the following considerations plays the most important role in deciding the geographical orientation of school science laboratory during construction of the building?
Which of the following is not an advantage of constructing school science laboratories in a semi-circular shape?
In designing school laboratories that are required to cater for both lecture and laboratory work, which of the following shapes of building would be most suitable?
Which of the following practical questions is the least important to be asked (and answered) before embarking upon constructing  school science laboratory?
________insurers are insurance companies established by large firms.
________is the amount of loss which the insured bears provided the loss is not more than the franchise limit.
________involves setting aside some funds through which organizations indemnify themselves in the event of a loss.
Kaye ______ succinctly observes that the management of an entity cannot do the impossible.
_______planning is normally formulated and put in place for managing any crisis situation in the operations of an organization.
_______planning is the plan formulated by an organization to enable it to continue in operations after a disaster might have occurred.
_______plan refers to the plan that allows organizations to operate pending the time when the operations are fully restored.
Risk ________is normally meant to produce information for the management of the organization.
Risks must be _______in relation to their potential severity of impact after they have been identified.
________information refers to information which is normally generated from outside the organization.
Risk ______is usually given priority in whichever form it is carried out.
Taxonomy-based risk identification is a _______of possible risk sources.
__________that may threaten achieving any operational objective partly or completely is identified as risk.
The sources of risk may be from the _______operations of the organization.
Risk _______or identification is a prelude to the management of risks in operations of any given organization.
A ______entity cannot manage its risk exposure without identifying the various risks it is exposed to in its operations.
The risk manager maintains ____on sensitive areas on operations of the organization.
Risk manager assists in ensuring that the objectives, responsibilities, _____and general policies of his department are clearly formulated.
Risk manager is expected to encourage and help management in _______a policy statement.
There are two main ways of transferring risks which include non-insurance and_____.
A sustainable and _____ risk management scheme or programme calls for a reliable administrative system.
Risk financing involves the use of two main strategies such as _______and risk transfer.
Risk control is a ______that is instituted to ensure effective management of risk.
Risk identification involves the process by which an organization systematically and continuously identifies risks and _____in its operations.
The management of risk involves a process which means that it goes through some _________ steps.
Risk management calls for adopting for risk ______by means of controls to limit exposure problems.
Covello and Allen highlighted the _________cardinal rules for the practice of risk communication.
Risk _________is a complex task which calls for the involvement and collaboration of the public with organization in management of risk crisis.
Risk management is imperative towards _____the social consequences of risk.
Management of pure risk involves ________ broad areas.
The radius of a wheel is 30.0cm and that of its axle is 6.0cm. Calculate the effort required to lift a load of 120.0N using this machine, assuming 100% efficiency
A machine whose efficiency is 75% is used to lift a load of 1000N. Calculate the effort put into the machine if it is has a velocity ratio o 4.
The pressure of a fixed mass of a gas is 960 mmHg when the volume of the gas is 3.0cm^3. Find the pressure of the gas when its volume is 4.5cm^3.Assume that the temperature is constant
_______ is one in which the rays converge or meet at a point.
The opposition to the flow of a.c,offered by a capacitor or an inductor or both is called ________
Factors affecting floatation include the fllowing EXCEPT?
The boiling point of a liquid depends on the following except the
One of the following is not a characteristics of sound waves
Which of the following colors of surfaces will radiate heat energy best?
Which of the following assertions is not true
Central Bank of Nigeria came into full operation in __________
Treasury bill is an instrument issued by Federal government to raise money from the public through ______
Urban Development Bank was established in _________
Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria was instituted by Decree _________of 1977.
Insurance business is classified into ________ categories
Finance Companies mobilize deposits from people and give them to their _______ to improve their business.
Stockbrokers are the dealing members of the _________
The CAPM was developed by _______
Book value per share is determined by ______ the networth by the number of equity shares in issue.
Favour Plc with N50,000,000 networth has 10,000,000 shares in issue. Calculate the book value per share.
The efficient market theory was known as the _________walk theory.
Fama used run tests to measure __________
Tests of strong form efficiency represents the extreme case of ___________
There are _________ broad theories concerning stock price movements.
Equity has unlimited life with undefined ________ stream.
Alpha factors is the recorded difference between the actual return and _________
APT was suggested by _______ (1976) because of the dissatisfaction with the CAPM.
Objective of the investor is very important in ________ planning.
There are ________ main schools of thought in investment timing strategies.
Price strength is a variation of _________
Portfolio theory therefore bases the portfolio selection on _______ major criteria
The objective of every rational investor is to maximize his returns and _________ the risk.
__________ investors will obviously prefer to invest in the efficient portfolios.
One of the main problems with the Markowitz model is the large number of ______ data required for calculations.
The basic notion underlying the single index model is that all stocks are affected by movements in the stock _______
Federal savings bank is a post office linked savings bank established in ________
Capital market is the market for medium and _______ funds.
Ordinary shares are usually referred to as ______ shares.
Preference shares could be cumulative, non-cumulative and ________
Securities and Exchange Commission is the apex regulatory authority in the __________ market.
Quantitative analysis basically constitutes mathematically and __________ tools
There are basically _________ types of statistics
Solve 5X – 6 = 3X in the following linear equations.
Solve 2(p + 4) = 7p+2
Solve the inequalities  2(X – 3) < 4
A _____________ is a rectangular array of numbers.
A compound or joint event is an event that has __________or more characteristics.
___________ is a concept that most people understand naturally, since such words as “chance,” “likelihood,” “possibility” and “proportion are used as part of everyday speech.
_______ theorem is a formula which can be thought of as “reversing” conditional probability.
The ___________ Probability of an event is its simple probability of occurrence, given the sample space.
If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {1, 2, 3}, then ___________
if X = {1, 2, 3, 4} and Y = {3, 4, 5}, then element are ____________
Given the arrayed data: X = 2,5,8,9,12,13,18, the range will be _________
The coefficient of variation measures the standard deviation relative to the ________
The coefficient of variation is also useful in the comparison of _____or more sets of data
The measures of _________ are generally called Pearson’s first coefficient
Consider a set of data on monthly sales of a company’s product, the mean of which was found to be N240,000; the mode found to be N135,000; and the standard deviation found to be N85,000. The Pearson’s No. 1 Coefficient of skewness would be calculated as follows:
A mathematical set is a collection of distinct objects, often referred to as elements or _______
The number of a set A, written as _________
If A = {a, e, i, o, u}, then n[A] = __________
Which of these statements is untrue
Which of these is not a factor affecting school discipline
Which of these is not an early symptom of indiscipline in children
The following except one are necessary conditions for punishment
The process governing individual’s choices among different forms of voluntary activities is referred to as
Examples of internal factors within individuals that activate human action include the following except
Which of these is the main originator of ideas in behavioural science approach
Which of the approaches to management theory emphasizes the relevance of the situation and the interaction between elements within the specific situations in administration
 Management of childhood institution is considered essential for the following reasons except one
Which of the following approaches to leadership theory adopts a diagnostic approach in understanding the characteristics of an organization with a view to determining which leadership practice will work best under given situation
Which of these statements is untrue
Which of these is not a factor affecting school discipline
Which of these is not an early symptom of indiscipline in children
The following except one are necessary conditions for punishment
The process governing individual’s choices among different forms of voluntary activities is referred to as
Examples of internal factors within individuals that activate human action include the following except
Which of these is the main originator of ideas in behavioural science approach
Which of the approaches to management theory emphasizes the relevance of the situation and the interaction between elements within the specific situations in administration
 Management of childhood institution is considered essential for the following reasons except one
Which of the following approaches to leadership theory adopts a diagnostic approach in understanding the characteristics of an organization with a view to determining which leadership practice will work best under given situation
___________numbers are often used in stabilising the time value of money and in deflating nominal values.
An index number measures the _______ change in the value of some economic commodity over a period of time.
Two or more time periods are usually involved in the _______of an index number.
Index numbers are used by policy makers to decide on ___________ changes.
___________ are costs associated with running out of stock.
________mean is used in estimating the average of a given set of observations.
Find the arithmetic mean Xi = 2, 2, 4, 7, 3, 1
Consider the following median raw data on hourly wage rate for six executive secretaries Xi= 300, 750, 850, 950, 950, 1000
Find the mode of the following data X=1     2     2     4
There are ______ important measures of variations.
Which of the following types of leadership is not concerned with compelling, coercing, ordering, driving, or forcing others to accept his will
Which of the following leadership theories focuses attention on the qualities the individual possesses rather than the roles such individual is supposed to play?
Which of the following leadership theories rests on the expectancy motivation
Which of these leadership styles is considered the most acceptable in childhood institutions
The statement that if unlimited freedom is granted to men, the stronger and powerful will dominate the world and constrain the freedom of the weaker ones was made by ……
Primary education has undergone a lot of changes in the following areas except
This theory of organization is based on the assumption that the achievement of social system irrespective of the nature of the task requires the combined efforts of a number of people with varying functions and responsibilities
The whole is greater than the sum of its part’ this assertion is connected with which theory
Which of these is not a technique of supervision of instruction in childhood institutions
Which of these is not the reason for carrying out supervision in schools
Evolution of management theory and practice is presented into the following epochs except
Which of the management theories made reference to standardization of work in the ministries
Which of the following is referred as the father of administrative processes
The activities of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling are referred to as
This approach focuses on informal groups as a source of motivation for workers
A child in Nigeria is someone who is aged
In management, a person maybe said to have power to the extent that he/she
 One of the following is not a source of power open to a leader in a childhood school system
In childhood institutions, which of the following officials is seen not to have power
In childhood educational settings, a person is said to be functional leader when he/she
All the dimensions of development focus at———-
From the definition of development, the following can be obtained except……
________is a step in development
Rural development provides rural dwellers with the opportunities of ………..
Mass participation as a feature of rural development requires ………..
A feature of rural development which makes the process self-sustaining requires…
________is a good of rural development
A strong voice for all rural people in shaping their decisions and actions that affects their lives is part of ……….
________focuses on planning rural development along with and within the framework of overall national development plan.
Rural development indices include the following except ………
Schools are regarded as public  …………
Authoritative judgements which establish the bases for administrative actions is known as ………….
Which theory reflect this statement “if a given characteristic is present, then a certain management practice will prevail”
Which of the following is a goal of education
Bureaucracy is said to be a body of government officials and administrators responsible for  —
Traits acquired by children confer on them some
The United Nation in 1948 adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that declared that —
In what year was universal free primary education launched in the western Nigeria?
The exercise that limit only qualified candidates who are finally offered the job is known as …………
In what year that constitution of Richards Constitution  was imposed in what year.
One of the following is not a problem of poor rural infrastructure……….
Rural areas are engulfed in the follow inequalities except ——–
Principles of rural development are fundamental and general rules laid down by – to guide the conduct of rural development programmes
A good rural development program should be based on effective use of ——–
In the reform approach, emphasis is given to the following except………
Technological approach emphasizes the ……… of  different aspects of rural society particularly agricultural production
The structural approach to rural development wants to change the following except…..
Programme design is the overall framework on which a programme is ——-
Rural development planning does not involve
Social club has no ———-
The catchment age of children for universal free primary education in
the west
Which Commission that recommended a public system of primary education be developed which will establish a working partnership between the Government on the one hand and the native authorities and the voluntary agencies on the other?
Theories are said to be useful when they are internally consistent and generate accurate —
What was the target year for all African
countries to attain UPE? The 1961 Addis Ababa Conference agreed on 1980 as a target year for all African
countries to attain UPE
A process whereby the tasks, skills, abilities
and responsibilities of a job are determined is called ………….
Longe (2003) stated the cost-benefit analysis or the rate of return approach to                                                                                                         educational planning to involve all but except one —
The theory that focus on the ends and means of planning is known as   —
The English system of aided and controlled schools, or the Scottish system of transferred schools, or some modification of either would have relevance to …….. Nigerian conditions
When did Republican Constitution became
Which University that runs the the one-year course recommended in the Oldman Report?
The catchment age of children for universal free primary education in
the west
Which Commission that recommended a public system of primary education be developed which will establish a working partnership between the Government on the one hand and the native authorities and the voluntary agencies on the other?
Theories are said to be useful when they are internally consistent and generate accurate —
What was the target year for all African
countries to attain UPE? The 1961 Addis Ababa Conference agreed on 1980 as a target year for all African
countries to attain UPE
A process whereby the tasks, skills, abilities
and responsibilities of a job are determined is called ………….
Longe (2003) stated the cost-benefit analysis or the rate of return approach to                                                                                                         educational planning to involve all but except one —
The theory that focus on the ends and means of planning is known as   —
The English system of aided and controlled schools, or the Scottish system of transferred schools, or some modification of either would have relevance to …….. Nigerian conditions
When did Republican Constitution became
Which University that runs the the one-year course recommended in the Oldman Report?
An objective of cooperative bank is to _____________
Problems of rural development in Nigeria comprises the following except ________
____________ is a step in development
The main purpose of cooperative in rural development is the ________
All rural development programmes in Nigeria adopted the ___________
___________ assumes that all sectoral/zonal rural development programme are well conceived and that effective coordination would make them attain rural development goals
__________ is not an index of rural development
Most of the food Nigerian eat is produced by __________
The structural transformation of rural communities is attained through _______
The urban development Bank (UDB) was established to finance and foster the rapid development of______________ throughout the country
The three major functional areas in educational management are —
Which National Development Plan made education a priority of priorities?
National Primary Education Commission came into existence in —
The personnel officer has to provide
adequate information about the job requirement from ……………………
The features of a school as a bureaucrtic institution include only one of the following —
In what year did the one-year course recommended in the Oldman Report comenced operation?
Two major devices that guide personnel
selection are job requirements and ……………
All of the following are the problems affecting primary education in Nigeria except one  —
The National Policy on Education (NPE, 2004) defined primary education as the education given institutions for children  —
In which country did all African countries agreed that 1980 was the target year to attain UPE?
Another name for UINQUE factor under the type of source  is_______
On the whole_______ change is usually a combination of systematic factors along with some random or unique factors.
As argued by Richard (2006), social changes pervade all aspects of societal life and may manifest
Social change is_______because without it, all other changes may be difficult to come by.
According to Richard (2006), social structure refers to the way in which a society is organized into predictable relationships
The concept of social structure is closely related to_______
Improved technology provides the main revenue for increasing productivity in the country’s _________.
The five elements of social structure according to Richard include statuses, social roles, groups, social networks and_______
The small-scale farmers, who are the _______of agricultural production in Nigeria should be encouraged to adopt new technologies
The establishment of industries (agro base and non-agro base industries), especially in the rural areas is an important strategy for transforming the rural economies, According to_______
The following are essential in the structure of any society except;
Sustainable development of rural areas, active community participation in decision-making on development issues, contribution to the development effort and sharing of benefits of development are required.
________In trying to see if the local people are actually participating in the community development projects or programmes, the following things must be observed according to Okonkwo (2006)except: ______
Every society has its own social system which is established for the welfare of the people.
According to Harambos and Holborn (2004), social protection in France is based on the principle of _______
Since the_______ this pattern of solidarities has been supplemented by additional measures designed to bring ‘excluded’ people into the net.
FMOH  means…………
What’s the full meaning of  (NPHCDA);
The National Programme on Immunization started in Nigeria in ……..
The aim of NPI is to_______
____ is a personal attitude to life and the universe.
____ efforts are made to bridge the gap between Northern and Southern Nigeria.
____ is a learning  methods in conducting research related to practice and theory of education.
____ tends to be skeptical, continuous and disinclined to build systems of thought.
The followings are forms/ types of learning except ____.
____ was defined as the science of consciousness on the basis that human beings are conscious of their external environment thence.
____  seeks to discover and to recommend principles for deciding what actions and qualities are most worth- while and why they should be so.
Besides, the family, religion and government are very essential in the _________ of any society.
The____  is a combination of the former modes.
Within a society, irrespective of the available_______, there exist rural agrarian systems clearly defined for the survival of the people.
____  is a process, a product, and a discipline.
Nigeria has _______number of local government all over the federation
Philosophy is a method of  ____ thinking and reasoned inquiry.
While the NID is national, the SNID is only carried out in States where polio is _______therefore the target states vary in number and distribution from time-to-time
the SNID is also used to administer oral polio vaccine and distribution of _______supplement
The distribution and administration of the vaccines are done under the auspices of the NPI, which is under the_______
In terms of average_______percent of children were covered in 2002 by the oral polio vaccine
The NPI programme is seen as the programme of the _______
The Chinese philosophical work ______uses the metaphor of water as the ideal agent of change
The proportion of population of Nigeria in the age group 6-14 years is about_______percent
Some examples of learning  S -R Theories (behaviours) Associations/Connectionists theories include the following except ____.
All these theories employed experiments with some kinds of animals to observe the nature and processes of learning except ____.
 Pavlov observed that his dog salivated in the presence of a small red bell rather than other bells. This implies ____.
 ____  is viewed as that complex whole which include knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws and any other capabilities acquired by man as a member of a setting.
  ____ requires vive and purpose, and willingness to sacrifice some pleasures for a greater future gain.
____ is  devoid of legal or religious sanctions and is by far more open than any other stratification system.
Repeated presentation of food  made the animal to repeat behaviour. This  implies ____.
The primary function of the school is ____.
The necessity for survival forces human society to transmit all except ____ to succeeding generations.
____  body  handles the issue of staffing and comprehensive personnel management programmes relating to the Prospect of  UBE in Nigeria
In trying to see if the local people are actually participating in the
community development projects or programmes, the following three (3) things must be observed according to Okonkwo (_____)
This is promotion and orientation that starts from the base
There are many ways to initiate community participation in  a programmes/projects meant for the development of such community. The following ways could be adopted according to Okonkwo(2006):
In support of this, ______lists the gains of local people’s involvement in directed change to include
In his own conceptualization, Morris (___)cited in Molton and Thompson (___) concluded that people’s involvement in directed change increases access to decision making process
There are ____ Causes of the Problems of Rural Societies
Their ____continues to multiply uncontrollably
Under the_____, provision should be made for rural dwellers, particularly those who engage in agriculture to have access to land and property that will enhance farming practices and comfortable living
_______should be built by the State or Local Government Authorities for rural dwellers to market their product
_______approach related to a specific region and implemented at the grass roots will enable a better defining of its problems and determining of ways of solving them
This means that all the problems affecting rural societies have their solutions, if not to eradicate the problems but to at least to reduce them to the bearest _____possible.
In practice, social welfare in the ___is very different from this ideal
The ______ is a unitary state in which central government substantially directs most government activity
The administration of the welfare state has undergone ____ major
reforms since its inception
The aims of this reform were managerial efficiency and economic _____
_____, which has led in the 1980s and I990s to restructuring of the civil service and the administration of welfare, has three main elements
According to Harambos and Holborn (2004), social protection in France is based on the principle of _______
The _____system of welfare is a complex, patchwork quilt of services
The ____does not, however, have a unified welfare system
The main developments of federal provision were during the ______of the l930s
Psychology Contributions to Practice of Education   in the followings except ____.
Psychology Contributions to Theory of Education  in the followings except ____.
____  is a sub-branch of philosophy which was intended to study the soul of the people.
The educational gap between northern and southern Nigeria is a trace of educational____ .
Once damage is done to the  ____, the child may not keep up the pace with other children in later years.
____  wishes to understand how all the different things that have been discovered together form some sort of meaningful totality.
Reasoning does not involves ____.
____reasoning leads to a causally true conclusion.
____ is not a relevance of Philosophy of Education.
The mature philosophical attitude is not the  ____.
As explained by Lyman (1995), the Beveridge Report of 1942 proposed a system of National Insurance based on ___assumptions in Britain
Nigeria has a young population structure and ___of the Nigerian population (31.1 million persons) falls between 0 -5 years old.
In terms of malnutrition, utilize ____ main indicators, viz
The Labour Government was elected in 1945; and introduced ___key acts
The ____ multiple indicator cluster survey provides us the information on the prevalence level of these risks
One of the major strengths of the programme is currently becoming a ____
_______accepted the evolutionary argument that societies develop along a particular path
There are many theories of social change but the ones relevant to this course as discussed by Richard (2006) are
This will involve linking the community with higher-level authorities, higher level of hierarchy
Objectives of Involving Local People in Directed Change
Cooperatives started as an ________consumer retail enterprise
Between ________ to ________ some agricultural lease had cooperative features history and documents indicating that the tenant’s famers in cooperatives kept strict account of their enterprises instead of hiring themselves out to large estate owners.
The religion and cultural association known as _______ and ________burial benefit societies.
The nature of development was _________ and _________association during the Hon DYNASTY before the Christian era, when PONG KOONG, A RICH and influential Chinese, instituted the first money-lending society bearing cooperative features.
The cooperative craftsmen organization called __________  which appeared as early as the beginning of old Roman history.
The nature of cooperative during the Rise of Islam 600-1490 A.D
Was based on __________
The objective of gilds was to secure __________  during the Middle Age, 500-1400.A.D
In __________ to present day know as second century of cooperative began much more significant throughout the continent.
__________ believed that education could make a society to progress so he established a school in his factory at New Lambark for his workers and their children.
Who was nickname “the poor man’s Physician”?
Psychology Contributions to Practice of Education   in the followings except ____.
Psychology Contributions to Theory of Education  in the followings except ____.
____  is a sub-branch of philosophy which was intended to study the soul of the people.
The educational gap between northern and southern Nigeria is a trace of educational____ .
Once damage is done to the  ____, the child may not keep up the pace with other children in later years.
____  wishes to understand how all the different things that have been discovered together form some sort of meaningful totality.
Reasoning does not involves ____.
____reasoning leads to a causally true conclusion.
____ is not a relevance of Philosophy of Education.
The mature philosophical attitude is not the  ____.
Psychology Contributions to Practice of Education   in the followings except ____.
Psychology Contributions to Theory of Education  in the followings except ____.
____  is a sub-branch of philosophy which was intended to study the soul of the people.
The educational gap between northern and southern Nigeria is a trace of educational____ .
Once damage is done to the  ____, the child may not keep up the pace with other children in later years.
____  wishes to understand how all the different things that have been discovered together form some sort of meaningful totality.
Reasoning does not involves ____.
____reasoning leads to a causally true conclusion.
____ is not a relevance of Philosophy of Education.
The mature philosophical attitude is not the  ____.
__________emulated several policies on how to run Cooperative
Societies which he published in monthly journal called “The
_______ idea was the credit union.
All are Delizsch basic economic beliefs concerning cooperatives except
The origin of Rochadale Society began operating in ________
The Rochadale-type cooperative was introduced in the ¬¬¬¬_______in 1863 at Lawrence.
The following are characteristic of the Rochadale Cooperative Society except;
One among the following is Rochadale principles of cooperative
A period in the early 1840s when Britain experienced an economic depression, causing much misery among the poor was known as
Co-operation began in Britain as a result of the Industrial Revolution which occurred from century.
Which among these countries lacked the comparative advantage, for the production of milk and rearing of pigs?
The first cooperative was the _______ in Hjedding, established in 1882, established on the initiative of the farmers, financed by the farmers and managed by the farmers
The first Swedish farm cooperative was formed in
_______ was established in 1899 as the organization of the Swedish Consumers Co-operative
Sweden‟s Co-operative School is established in
Co-operation started in India as a result of untold suffering which the
money-lenders inflicted upon the general populace between
The following were the causes of their indebtedness in India except
In the United States, there are approximately ______ Indians, and they own more than 50 million acres of land, although a substantial part is not fertile land.
Some of their Economic Problems in India is as a result of
The African Confederation of Co-operative Savings and Credit
Association was founded on _________.
The establishment of ACCOSCA was a result of several.
A driver of a car moving with a uniform speed of 80m/s observes a truck approaching in the opposite direction with a speed of 40m/s the car’s speed relative to that of a truck is
A bus travelling at 15m/s accelerates uniformly at 40m/second square What is the distance covered in 10s?
An object is said to undergo a translational  motion when it moves
 Actions and Reactions are forces that are said to be in_________
The tendency for a stationary body to continue to remain at rest when a force is applied to it is known as ______________
_______ is the number of complete revolutions per second made by a vibrating body
Two forces 10N and 8N, act eastward and northward respectively on a body. Calculate the magnitude of their equilibrant
The ability of waves to bend around obstacles is called _________
A force of 0.8N stretches an elastic spring by 2cm. Find the elastic constant of the spring.
The following are characteristics of images formed by a plane mrror EXCEPT?
_______ is the image that can be caught on a screen
The device used to precisely measure potential differences is________
A spiral spring of natural length 50.0cm and force constant 20N/m is compressed to30.0cm. Calculate the energy stored in the spring.
An elastic spring of force constant 400Nm is stretched through 0.2m within its elastic limit. Calculate the energy stored in the spring.
Which of the following can not be considered as a type of expansion
Which of the following statements correctly defines a simple machine? A device
The expansion that only takes place in the liquid and not the container is tagged_______expansion
The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of the body by 1K.
The pressure in a liquid
Properties that are used for the construction of thermometers are called ______________
The radius of a wheel is 30.0cm and that of its axle is 6.0cm. Calculate the effort required to lift a load of 120.0N using this machine, assuming 100% efficiency
A machine whose efficiency is 75% is used to lift a load of 1000N. Calculate the effort put into the machine if it is has a velocity ratio o 4.
The pressure of a fixed mass of a gas is 960 mmHg when the volume of the gas is 3.0cm cube. Find the pressure of the gas when its volume is 4.5cm cube.Assume that the temperature is constant
_______ is one in which the rays converge or meet at a point.
The opposition to the flow of a.c,offered by a capacitor or an inductor or both is called ________
Factors affecting floatation include the fllowing EXCEPT?
The boiling point of a liquid depends on the following except the
One of the following is not a characteristics of sound waves
Which of the following colors of surfaces will radiate heat energy best?
Which of the following assertions is not true
Project managers spend a large portion of their time  for ____
The project manager has seven people reporting to him.  Three more people are added to the project. How many communication channels were added?
________ is the determination of merit or shortcoming.
A bank lends N200, 000 to Dr.  Kamal and at the end of the   day earns interest of N18, 000. What is the before- tax cost of debt?
Managers at every level will turn to the ____ to guide their decisions.
You have N1,000 today and can earn 8%. In the future years how much money will this be worth?
A sum   of N1,000 is placed in a savings account that promises 10% interest annually. What will be the compound value at the end of 2 years?
Slack on a network diagram is also known as ____
The investment decision of a firm are generally known as ______
______is commonly associated with firms operating in a number of different businesses and markets.
Project planning generally consists of the following except  _______
_____ is that element of a project that keeps it on track, on-time and within budget.
The following are the quality of principle- centre planning except  _______
____  describes the methods the organization plans to use to achieve the ambitions outlined in the strategic plan.
Activity -on- Arrow diagramming uses which of the following(what is the best answer)?
One major reason for planning in any organizations is to ______
One critical area of competence that are required of project manager is______
 Project manager can be be described as the following except______
The project charter is used to formally authorize a project. It also provides the following except ______
Project managers require leadership skills for the simple reason that they accomplish their work ______
Monitoring is the systematic and routine collection of information from projects and programmes for the purposes of  ____
______ and _____are partners with extensive support of success of a project.
The current price of a share is N45 and the expected dividend per share  next year is N4.50. If the dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 5%,  calculate the cost of equity.
One deposite money bank lends N200, 000 to Asiru and at the end of the   day earns interest of N18, 000. What is the before- tax cost of debt?
Assuming the before- tax cost of debt of 10% and the tax rate is 50%, then after- tax cost of debt is what?
You have N1,000 today and can earn 8%. In the future years how much money will this be worth?
______is commonly associated with firms operating in a number of different businesses and markets.
Float on a network diagram is also known as ____
The investment decision of a firm are generally known as ______
In what knowledge area does activity resources estimating occur?
_________consists of human efforts both physical and mental efforts used in the production of goods and services
Hospitals is an example of social capital. TRUE OR FALSE
Law of _______ states that the quantity supplied of any commodity varies directly with its price
________ cost are constant at all levels of production
_________is the extra-cost of production one additional unit of the production.
Average total cost = average fixed cost plus ____________
There are __________ types of insurance
_________is the power of every commodity to satisfy the demand of an individual
Third party insurance is a ________ type of insurance
The ________shows purchasing relative to the prices of the commodities
The ________ results in a shift of the supply curve
______________ consists of the manufacture of goods
  _____________has the capacity to produce a given quality of crop and livestock products
___________provides the methodology in the collection and analysis of data
 _________________deals with allocative efficiency
 _______________is intra-farm study
 ______________involve high intensive investments
Accounting is an example of _____________
____________keep a close watch on all the activities performed in the production
__________ is the study of mankind in the ordinary business of life
 ____________factors refer to specific period of the year, month, week or times of study
 ____________factors are also called random factors
The prices of agricultural products follow the pattern of __________ indicated in the Cobweb theories
_______________are associated with the level of borrowing to fund the farm business
__________is  an effective desire
The ___________ shows a graphical representation of the quantity demanded by a consumer at different prices
____________ demand is the type of demand for goods which are fairly close substitutes for one another
____________ demand is also known as joint demand
In ____________ cooperatives members pool their money together for the sole purpose of lending out to borrowing members as loans
Utility is measured in _________________
Majority of farmers in Nigeria‟s agricultural sector have small holdings varying between zero and less than ……….  hectares
Ekiti state as kaolin, clay, cassiterite, tin ore, …………, bauxite (aluminum ore), foundry sand and elarconits.
The removal of these solid wastes from street and dumpsites for recycling has ……………… effect on our environment
The share of agriculture in the GDP from the year 2000 till now has been revolving around ………….. percent
Imo state was created on the ………. Feburary, 1976
The mineral spread in Nigeria is significant with evidence of ……………. different minerals distributed in Nigeria‟s richly endowed geology.
Agricultural sector involves cropping, livestock, forestry, ………………… and aquaculture
Abia State is blessed with mineral resources such as lead, zinc, fine sand, limestone and ……………..
National Economic Empowerment Development Strategies (NEEDS) Programme and new agricultural policy programme was in the …………… period
zamafara state is created on 1st …………….., 1996
…………… involves the burning of unwanted gas
National Grains Production Company was established for the expansion of grain production through giving improved seeds as …… to the farmers.
which of the following is not in the North east region?
Oil palm products alone accounted for between ………….% of exports during the Pre-Independence Period
The history of Nigeria‟s agricultural development in the post-independent era could be classified into ……….. phases
National Economic Empowerment Development Strategies (NEEDS) Programme is under the………….
Niger state was created in feburary ………………
Which of the following is not a major problem in tha agricultural sector?

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