Noun sample questions

Helium molecule has a mass of 4.0026 g and is moving at a speed of 30 m/s. The classical kinetic energy of the gas is?
•  0.0180 J
•  0.180 J
•  1.80 J
•  18.0 J
One of these is not part of the procedure in determining the critical temperature of a liquid.
•  Fill an evacuated capillary tube up with the liquid and seal up.
•  Select and evacuate a capillary tube that is able to withstand high pressure.
•  Place the filled capillary tube in ice block and observe
•  Heat the set up system gradually.
When 0.25 L of liquid nitrogen (d = 0.807 g/mL) is vaporized, what volume does the resulting gas occupy at 25 °C and 5.00 atm
•  54L
•  17L
•  93L
•  35L
One of these statements is not true of the kinetic-molecular theory of gases.
• There is no net gain or loss of the total kinetic energy in collisions between gas molecules.
•  The average kinetic energies of different gases are different at the same temperature.
•  Individual gas molecules are relatively far apart.
•  The actual volume of the gas molecules themselves is very small compared to the volume occupied by the gas at ordinary temperatures and pressures.
One of these statements is not true of the kinetic-molecular theory of gases
•  The actual volume of the gas molecules themselves is very small compared to the volume occupied by the gas at ordinary temperatures and pressures.
•  The average kinetic energies of different gases are different at the same temperature.
•  There is no net gain or loss of the total kinetic energy in collisions between gas molecules.
•  Individual gas molecules are relatively far apart.
One of these form a crystal with a bee structure
•  NaCl
•  Ni
•  S
•  CsCl
Which of the following is a pure substance made up of one type of atom
•  Solution
•  A mixture
•  Element
•  Compound
One of these statements is untrue about semiconductors
•  They conduct when heated
•  Electrical conductivity increases with temperature
•  They conduct under normal conditions
•  They are insulators under normal conditions
Under what conditions does the behaviour of real gases deviate from that predicted by the ideal gas law?
•  low Pressure, High Temperature
•  High Pressure, High Temperature
•  High Pressure, LowTemperature
•  Low Pressure, low Temperature
Which of these statements is true of mixtures?
•  Very little or no exchange of energy occurs during the formation of mixtures
•  A mixture cannot be easily separated into its constituents
•  A mixtures can only be separated into its constituents by chemical methods
•  Mixtures always contain a fixed proportion of elements by mass
A plot of V against T as linear with zero intercept and slope, equal to K is graphical representation of ____
•  Avogadro\’s law
•  Charles\’ law
•  Gay Lussac\’s law
•  Boyle\’s law
The abbreviation of mole is?
•  M
•  mol
•  mole
•  m
Avogadro number is?
•  6.023 X 10-23
•  6.023
•  6.023 X 10-20
•  6.023 X 10-21
What is the unit of measuring volume is?
•  kg
•  centimetre
•  m3
• meter
Convert 2340ml to dm3
•  none of the options
• 2.340 dm3
•  2340dm3
•  23.40 dm3
Which of the following is not a characteristics of a pure substances
•  all of the options
•  deliquescent
•  anhydrous
•  Non — deliquescent
The number of moles of solute in one kilogram (kg) of solution is called
•  molality
•  all of the options
•  molarity
•  number of mole
Find the mole of NaOH if its mass is 40g (Na = 23, 0 = 16, H =1)
•  1.00 mol
•  1.00 L
•  10 M
•  10 mol
What is the apparatus used in measuring a sodium hydroxide peroxide pellet?
•  meter ruler
•  balance
•  volumetric flask
•  Thermometer
150g of NaOH in 1000cm3 of water is said to be a?
•  dilute solid
•  concentrated solution
•  concentrated liquid
•  concentrated solid
A substance which when, purchased does not change in its chemical composition with time of storage is said to be in
•  pure form
•  concentrated
•  diluted
•  impure form
The computer system uses the ________ number system for creating, processing, storing and interpreting data
•  Denary
•  Hexadecimal
•  Binary
•  Octal
Database, tables, forms, queries report etc. are known as
•  Ms Object
•  Data object
•  Ms Access
•  Database object
Convert 1101 to Decimal ________
•  13
•  14
•  12
•  11
The octal system has _________ symbols or digits
• None of the above
•  Ten
•  Eleven
•  Nine
Example of information searchers includes the following excep
•  Readers of newspapers
• Thesaurus
•  Game players
•  Readers of books
Data and information retrieval enable information _________ to find, evaluate and use the data or information
•  Collectors
• Designers
•  Searchers
•  Creators
Convert 1111 binary number to decimal numbe
• 11
• 13
• 15
• 14
________ is created when we process data with a Machine or Compute
• Ideas
• Information
• Languages
• Data
________ is created when we process data with a Machine or Computer
• Languages
• Information
• Data
• Ideas
The effectiveness of data organization and storage cant be assessed in terms of volume of data processed
• Unsure
• None of the options
• (TRUE)
The binary number for 7 is _______
• None of the above
• 110
• 111
• 1001

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